Home Reference Source Test


Description Identifier Count

should set name


should set description


should set default value


should return name


should return description


should return default value


should compare equal arguments


should compare lesser strings


should compare greater strings


should ignore case in comparision


should have correct title


should have correct description


should register a task without dependecies or arguments


should increase max name length if longer name


should not increase max name length if not a longer name


should error on unregistered dependency


should add registered dependency


should error on unregistered argument


should add registered argument


should add argument


should update max label length on longer name


should return a function


should return function that prints header


should return function that prints task list


should return function that prints arguments list


should return function that prints task details


should print title if it is provided


should print description if it is provided


should print usage


should not print title or description if they are not provided


should not print anything if there are no tasks


should print single task


should print task column with complete row


should print task column with incomplete row


should print task column with second incomplete row


should not print anything if there are no tasks


should print argument with no description or default value


should print argument with short description


should print argument with wrapping description (or newlines)


should print default value if set


should not print anything on no tasks


should print task with short description


should print task with long description


should print task arguments and dependecies


should return a sorted list of tasks


should return a sorted list of task names


should return length of longest name


should return a sorted list of arguments


should return a sorted list of argument names


should return a sorted list of argument names


should print nothing on empty dependecies


should print single dependency


should print exactly a single row of dependencies


should print multiple rows of dependencies


should print nothing on empty arguments


should print single dependency


should print exactly a single row of dependencies


should print multiple rows of dependencies


should set name


should set description


should have default for dependencies


should have default for arguments


should return the name


should return the description


should return sorted dependencies


should return sorted dependencies names


should return sorted arguments


should return sorted arguments names


should add an argument


should add a dependency without arguments


should add a dependency with arguments


should compare equal arguments


should compare lesser strings


should compare greater strings


should ignore case in comparision
