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"use strict";

import chai, { expect } from "chai";
import chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised";
import sinon from "sinon";

import Api from "../src";
import { checkVersion } from "../src/utils";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import KintoServer from "kinto-node-test-server";
import { delayedPromise } from "./test_utils";

chai.config.includeStack = true;

const skipLocalServer = !!process.env.TEST_KINTO_SERVER;
  process.env.TEST_KINTO_SERVER || "";

function startServer(server, options) {
  return !skipLocalServer && server.start(options);

function stopServer(server) {
  return !skipLocalServer && server.stop();

describe("Integration tests", function() {
  let sandbox, server, api;

  // Disabling test timeouts until pserve gets decent startup time.

  before(() => {
    if (skipLocalServer) {
    let kintoConfigPath = __dirname + "/kinto.ini";
    if (process.env.SERVER && process.env.SERVER !== "master") {
      kintoConfigPath = `${__dirname}/kinto-${process.env.SERVER}.ini`;
    server = new KintoServer(TEST_KINTO_SERVER, {
      maxAttempts: 200,

  after(() => {
    if (skipLocalServer) {
    const logLines = server.logs.toString().split("\n");
    const serverDidCrash = logLines.some(l => l.startsWith("Traceback"));
    if (serverDidCrash) {
      // Server errors have been encountered, raise to break the build
      const trace = logLines.join("\n");
      throw new Error(
        `Kinto server crashed while running the test suite.\n\n${trace}`
    return server.killAll();

  function createClient(options = {}) {
    return new Api(TEST_KINTO_SERVER, options);

  beforeEach(function() {

    sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
    const events = new EventEmitter();
    api = createClient({
      headers: { Authorization: "Basic " + btoa("user:pass") },

  afterEach(() => sandbox.restore());

  describe("Default server configuration", () => {
    before(() => {
      return startServer(server);

    after(() => {
      return stopServer(server);

    beforeEach(() => server.flush());

    // XXX move this to batch tests
    describe("new batch", () => {
      it("should support root batch", () => {
        return api
          .batch(batch => {
            const bucket = batch.bucket("default");
            const coll = bucket.collection("posts");
            coll.createRecord({ a: 1 });
            coll.createRecord({ a: 2 });
          .then(_ =>
          .then(res => res.data)

      it("should support bucket batch", () => {
        return api
          .batch(batch => {
            const coll = batch.collection("posts");
            coll.createRecord({ a: 1 });
            coll.createRecord({ a: 2 });
          .then(_ =>
          .then(res => res.data)

    describe("Server properties", () => {
      it("should retrieve server settings", () => {
        return api

      it("should retrieve server capabilities", () => {
        return api.fetchServerCapabilities().then(capabilities => {

          // Kinto protocol 1.4 exposes capability descriptions
          Object.keys(capabilities).forEach(capability => {
            const capabilityObj = capabilities[capability];
            expect(capabilityObj).to.include.keys("url", "description");

      it("should retrieve user information", () => {
        return api.fetchUser().then(user => {

      it("should retrieve current API version", () => {
        return api.fetchHTTPApiVersion().should.eventually.match(/^\d\.\d+$/);

    describe("#createBucket", () => {
      let result;

      describe("Default options", () => {
        describe("Autogenerated id", () => {
          beforeEach(() => {
            return api.createBucket(null).then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a bucket", () => {

        describe("Custom id", () => {
          beforeEach(() => {
            return api.createBucket("foo").then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a bucket with the passed id", () => {

          it("should create a bucket having a list of write permissions", () => {

          describe("data option", () => {
            it("should create bucket data", () => {
              return api
                .createBucket("foo", { data: { a: 1 } })

          describe("Safe option", () => {
            it("should not override existing bucket", () => {
              return api
                .createBucket("foo", { safe: true })
                .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

      describe("permissions option", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return api
            .createBucket("foo", { permissions: { read: ["github:n1k0"] } })
            .then(res => (result = res));

        it("should create a bucket having a list of write permissions", () => {

    describe("#deleteBucket()", () => {
      let last_modified;

      beforeEach(() => {
        return api
          .then(({ data }) => (last_modified = data.last_modified));

      it("should delete a bucket", () => {
        return api
          .then(_ => api.listBuckets())
          .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))

      describe("Safe option", () => {
        it("should raise a conflict error when resource has changed", () => {
          return api
            .deleteBucket("foo", {
              last_modified: last_modified - 1000,
              safe: true,
            .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

    describe("#deleteBuckets()", () => {
      before(function() {
        try {
          checkVersion(server.http_api_version, "1.4", "2.0");
        } catch (err) {

      beforeEach(() => {
        return api.batch(batch => {

      it("should delete all buckets", () => {
        return (
            // Note: Server tends to take a lot of time to perform this operation,
            // so we're delaying check a little.
            .then(_ => delayedPromise(50))
            .then(_ => api.listBuckets())
            .then(({ data }) => data)

    describe("#listPermissions", () => {
      describe("Single page of permissions", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return api.batch(batch => {

        it("should retrieve the list of permissions", () => {
          return api.listPermissions().then(({ data }) => {
            expect(data.map(p => p.id).sort()).eql(["b1", "c1"]);

      describe("Paginated list of permissions", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return api.batch(batch => {
            for (let i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {
              batch.createBucket("b" + i);

        it("should retrieve the list of permissions", () => {
          return api.listPermissions({ pages: Infinity }).then(results => {

    describe("#listBuckets", () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
        return api.batch(batch => {
          batch.createBucket("b1", { data: { size: 24 } });
          batch.createBucket("b2", { data: { size: 13 } });
          batch.createBucket("b3", { data: { size: 38 } });
          batch.createBucket("b4", { data: { size: -4 } });

      it("should retrieve the list of buckets", () => {
        return api
          .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id).sort())
          .should.become(["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"]);

      it("should order buckets by field", () => {
        return api
          .listBuckets({ sort: "-size" })
          .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))
          .should.eventually.become(["b3", "b1", "b2", "b4"]);

      describe("Filtering", () => {
        it("should filter buckets", () => {
          return api
            .listBuckets({ sort: "size", filters: { min_size: 20 } })
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))
            .should.become(["b1", "b3"]);

        it("should resolve with buckets last_modified value", () => {
          return api

        it("should retrieve only buckets after provided timestamp", () => {
          let timestamp;
          return api
            .then(({ last_modified }) => {
              timestamp = last_modified;
              return api.createBucket("b5");
            .then(() => api.listBuckets({ since: timestamp }))

      describe("Pagination", () => {
        it("should not paginate by default", () => {
          return api
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))
            .should.become(["b4", "b3", "b2", "b1"]);

        it("should paginate by chunks", () => {
          return api
            .listBuckets({ limit: 2 })
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))
            .should.become(["b4", "b3"]);

        it("should expose a hasNextPage boolean prop", () => {
          return api
            .listBuckets({ limit: 2 })

        it("should provide a next method to load next page", () => {
          return api
            .listBuckets({ limit: 2 })
            .then(res => res.next())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(bucket => bucket.id))
            .should.become(["b2", "b1"]);

    describe("#batch", () => {
      describe("No chunked requests", () => {
        it("should allow batching operations", () => {
          return api
            .batch(batch => {
              const bucket = batch.bucket("custom");
              const coll = bucket.collection("blog");
              coll.createRecord({ title: "art1" });
              coll.createRecord({ title: "art2" });
            .then(_ =>
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.title))
            .should.become(["art2", "art1"]);

      describe("Chunked requests", () => {
        it("should allow batching by chunks", () => {
          // Note: kinto server configuration has kinto.paginated_by set to 10.
          return api
            .batch(batch => {
              const bucket = batch.bucket("custom");
              const coll = bucket.collection("blog");
              for (let i = 1; i <= 27; i++) {
                coll.createRecord({ title: "art" + i });
            .then(_ =>

      describe("aggregate option", () => {
        describe("Succesful publication", () => {
          describe("No chunking", () => {
            let results;

            beforeEach(() => {
              return api
                  batch => {
                    const bucket = batch.bucket("custom");
                    const coll = bucket.collection("blog");
                    coll.createRecord({ title: "art1" });
                    coll.createRecord({ title: "art2" });
                  { aggregate: true }
                .then(_results => (results = _results));

            it("should return an aggregated result object", () => {

            it("should contain the list of succesful publications", () => {
                results.published.map(body => body.data)

          describe("Chunked response", () => {
            let results;

            beforeEach(() => {
              return api
                  batch => {
                    for (let i = 1; i <= 26; i++) {
                      batch.createRecord({ title: "art" + i });
                  { aggregate: true }
                .then(_results => (results = _results));

            it("should return an aggregated result object", () => {

            it("should contain the list of succesful publications", () => {

  describe("Backed off server", () => {
    const backoffSeconds = 10;

    before(() => {
      return startServer(server, { KINTO_BACKOFF: backoffSeconds });

    after(() => stopServer(server));

    beforeEach(() => server.flush());

    it("should appropriately populate the backoff property", () => {
      // Issuing a first api call to retrieve backoff information
      return api
        .then(() => expect(Math.round(api.backoff / 1000)).eql(backoffSeconds));

  describe("Deprecated protocol version", () => {
    beforeEach(() => server.flush());

    describe("Soft EOL", () => {
      before(() => {
        const tomorrow = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 86400000)
          .slice(0, 10);
        return startServer(server, {
          KINTO_EOS: `"${tomorrow}"`,
          KINTO_EOS_URL: "http://www.perdu.com",
          KINTO_EOS_MESSAGE: "Boom",

      after(() => stopServer(server));

      beforeEach(() => sandbox.stub(console, "warn"));

      it("should warn when the server sends a deprecation Alert header", () => {
        return api.fetchServerSettings().then(_ => {

    describe("Hard EOL", () => {
      before(() => {
        const lastWeek = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 7 * 86400000)
          .slice(0, 10);
        return startServer(server, {
          KINTO_EOS: `"${lastWeek}"`,
          KINTO_EOS_URL: "http://www.perdu.com",
          KINTO_EOS_MESSAGE: "Boom",

      after(() => stopServer(server));

      beforeEach(() => sandbox.stub(console, "warn"));

      it("should reject with a 410 Gone when hard EOL is received", () => {
        return api
          .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /HTTP 410 Gone: Service deprecated/);

  describe("Limited pagination", () => {
    before(() => {
      return startServer(server, { KINTO_PAGINATE_BY: 1 });

    after(() => stopServer(server));

    beforeEach(() => server.flush());

    describe("Limited configured server pagination", () => {
      let collection;

      beforeEach(() => {
        collection = api.bucket("default").collection("posts");
        return collection.batch(batch => {
          batch.createRecord({ n: 1 });
          batch.createRecord({ n: 2 });

      it("should fetch one results page", () => {
        return collection
          .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))

      it("should fetch all available pages", () => {
        return collection
          .listRecords({ pages: Infinity })
          .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))

  describe("Chainable API", () => {
    before(() => startServer(server));

    after(() => stopServer(server));

    beforeEach(() => server.flush());

    describe(".bucket()", () => {
      let bucket;

      beforeEach(() => {
        bucket = api.bucket("custom");
        return api.createBucket("custom").then(_ =>
          bucket.batch(batch => {
            batch.createCollection("c1", { data: { size: 24 } });
            batch.createCollection("c2", { data: { size: 13 } });
            batch.createCollection("c3", { data: { size: 38 } });
            batch.createCollection("c4", { data: { size: -4 } });

            batch.createGroup("g1", [], { data: { size: 24 } });
            batch.createGroup("g2", [], { data: { size: 13 } });
            batch.createGroup("g3", [], { data: { size: 38 } });
            batch.createGroup("g4", [], { data: { size: -4 } });

      describe(".getData()", () => {
        let result;

        beforeEach(() => {
          return bucket.getData().then(res => (result = res));

        it("should retrieve the bucket identifier", () => {

        it("should retrieve bucket last_modified value", () => {

      describe(".setData()", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return bucket.setPermissions({ read: ["github:jon"] });

        it("should post data to the bucket", () => {
          return bucket.setData({ a: 1 }).then(({ data, permissions }) => {

        it("should patch existing data for the bucket", () => {
          return bucket
            .setData({ a: 1 })
            .then(() => bucket.setData({ b: 2 }, { patch: true }))
            .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

        it("should post data to the default bucket", () => {
          return api
            .setData({ a: 1 })
            .then(({ data }) => data)

      describe(".getPermissions()", () => {
        it("should retrieve bucket permissions", () => {
          return bucket

      describe(".setPermissions()", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return bucket.setData({ a: 1 });

        it("should set bucket permissions", () => {
          return bucket
            .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
            .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should check for concurrency", () => {
            return bucket
                { read: ["github:n1k0"] },
                { safe: true, last_modified: 1 }
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

      describe(".addPermissions()", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return bucket
            .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
            .then(() => bucket.setData({ a: 1 }));

        it("should append bucket permissions", () => {
          return bucket
            .addPermissions({ read: ["accounts:gabi"] })
            .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

      describe(".removePermissions()", () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
          return bucket
            .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
            .then(() => bucket.setData({ a: 1 }));

        it("should pop bucket permissions", () => {
          return bucket
            .removePermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
            .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

      describe(".listHistory()", () => {
        it("should retrieve the list of history entries", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))

        it("should order entries by field", () => {
          return bucket
            .listHistory({ sort: "date" })
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))

        describe("Filtering", () => {
          it("should filter entries by top-level attributes", () => {
            return bucket
              .listHistory({ filters: { resource_name: "bucket" } })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))

          it("should filter entries by target attributes", () => {
            return bucket
              .listHistory({ filters: { "target.data.id": "custom" } })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))

          it("should resolve with entries last_modified value", () => {
            return bucket

          it("should retrieve only entries after provided timestamp", () => {
            let timestamp;
            return bucket
              .then(({ last_modified }) => {
                timestamp = last_modified;
                return bucket.createCollection("c5");
              .then(() => bucket.listHistory({ since: timestamp }))

        describe("Pagination", () => {
          it("should not paginate by default", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))

          it("should paginate by chunks", () => {
            return bucket
              .listHistory({ limit: 2 })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))
              .should.become(["g4", "g3"]);

          it("should provide a next method to load next page", () => {
            return bucket
              .listHistory({ limit: 2 })
              .then(res => res.next())
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(entry => entry.target.data.id))
              .should.become(["g2", "g1"]);

      describe(".listCollections()", () => {
        it("should retrieve the list of collections", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id).sort())
            .should.become(["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"]);

        it("should order collections by field", () => {
          return bucket
            .listCollections({ sort: "-size" })
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id))
            .should.eventually.become(["c3", "c1", "c2", "c4"]);

        it("should work in a batch", () => {
          return api
            .batch(batch => batch.bucket("custom").listCollections())
            .then(([{ body }]) => body.data.map(coll => coll.id))
            .should.eventually.become(["c4", "c3", "c2", "c1"]);

        describe("Filtering", () => {
          it("should filter collections", () => {
            return bucket
              .listCollections({ sort: "size", filters: { min_size: 20 } })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id))
              .should.become(["c1", "c3"]);

          it("should resolve with collections last_modified value", () => {
            return bucket

          it("should retrieve only collections after provided timestamp", () => {
            let timestamp;
            return bucket
              .then(({ last_modified }) => {
                timestamp = last_modified;
                return bucket.createCollection("c5");
              .then(() => bucket.listCollections({ since: timestamp }))

        describe("Pagination", () => {
          it("should not paginate by default", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id))
              .should.become(["c4", "c3", "c2", "c1"]);

          it("should paginate by chunks", () => {
            return bucket
              .listCollections({ limit: 2 })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id))
              .should.become(["c4", "c3"]);

          it("should provide a next method to load next page", () => {
            return bucket
              .listCollections({ limit: 2 })
              .then(res => res.next())
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(collection => collection.id))
              .should.become(["c2", "c1"]);

      describe(".createCollection()", () => {
        it("should create a named collection", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(_ => bucket.listCollections())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(coll => coll.id))

        it("should create an automatically named collection", () => {
          let generated;

          return bucket
            .then(res => (generated = res.data.id))
            .then(_ => bucket.listCollections())
            .then(({ data }) =>
              expect(data.some(x => x.id === generated)).eql(true)

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should not override existing collection", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(_ => bucket.createCollection("posts", { safe: true }))
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

        describe("Permissions option", () => {
          let result;

          beforeEach(() => {
            return bucket
              .createCollection("posts", {
                permissions: {
                  read: ["github:n1k0"],
              .then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a collection having a list of write permissions", () => {

        describe("Data option", () => {
          let result;

          beforeEach(() => {
            return bucket
              .createCollection("posts", { data: { foo: "bar" } })
              .then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a collection having the expected data attached", () => {

      describe(".deleteCollection()", () => {
        it("should delete a collection", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(_ => bucket.deleteCollection("foo"))
            .then(_ => bucket.listCollections())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(coll => coll.id))

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should check for concurrency", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) =>
                bucket.deleteCollection("posts", {
                  safe: true,
                  last_modified: data.last_modified - 1000,
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

      describe(".listGroups()", () => {
        it("should retrieve the list of groups", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id).sort())
            .should.become(["g1", "g2", "g3", "g4"]);

        it("should order groups by field", () => {
          return bucket
            .listGroups({ sort: "-size" })
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))
            .should.eventually.become(["g3", "g1", "g2", "g4"]);

        describe("Filtering", () => {
          it("should filter groups", () => {
            return bucket
              .listGroups({ sort: "size", filters: { min_size: 20 } })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))
              .should.become(["g1", "g3"]);

          it("should resolve with groups last_modified value", () => {
            return bucket

          it("should retrieve only groups after provided timestamp", () => {
            let timestamp;
            return bucket
              .then(({ last_modified }) => {
                timestamp = last_modified;
                return bucket.createGroup("g5", []);
              .then(() => bucket.listGroups({ since: timestamp }))

        describe("Pagination", () => {
          it("should not paginate by default", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))
              .should.become(["g4", "g3", "g2", "g1"]);

          it("should paginate by chunks", () => {
            return bucket
              .listGroups({ limit: 2 })
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))
              .should.become(["g4", "g3"]);

          it("should provide a next method to load next page", () => {
            return bucket
              .listGroups({ limit: 2 })
              .then(res => res.next())
              .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))
              .should.become(["g2", "g1"]);

      describe(".createGroup()", () => {
        it("should create a named group", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(_ => bucket.listGroups())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(group => group.id))

        it("should create an automatically named group", () => {
          let generated;

          return bucket
            .then(res => (generated = res.data.id))
            .then(_ => bucket.listGroups())
            .then(({ data }) =>
              expect(data.some(x => x.id === generated)).eql(true)

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should not override existing group", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(_ => bucket.createGroup("admins", [], { safe: true }))
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

        describe("Permissions option", () => {
          let result;

          beforeEach(() => {
            return bucket
              .createGroup("admins", ["twitter:leplatrem"], {
                permissions: {
                  read: ["github:n1k0"],
              .then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a collection having a list of write permissions", () => {

        describe("Data option", () => {
          let result;

          beforeEach(() => {
            return bucket
              .createGroup("admins", ["twitter:leplatrem"], {
                data: { foo: "bar" },
              .then(res => (result = res));

          it("should create a collection having the expected data attached", () => {

      describe(".getGroup()", () => {
        it("should get a group", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(_ => bucket.getGroup("foo"))
            .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

      describe(".updateGroup()", () => {
        it("should update a group", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(({ data }) => bucket.updateGroup({ ...data, title: "mod" }))
            .then(_ => bucket.listGroups())
            .then(({ data }) => data[0].title)

        it("should patch a group", () => {
          return bucket
            .createGroup("foo", ["github:me"], {
              data: { title: "foo", blah: 42 },
            .then(({ data }) =>
              bucket.updateGroup({ id: data.id, blah: 43 }, { patch: true })
            .then(_ => bucket.listGroups())
            .then(({ data }) => {

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          const id = "2dcd0e65-468c-4655-8015-30c8b3a1c8f8";

          it("should perform concurrency checks with last_modified", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) =>
                    id: data.id,
                    members: ["github:me"],
                    title: "foo",
                    last_modified: 1,
                  { safe: true }
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

          it("should create a non-existent resource when safe is true", () => {
            return bucket
              .updateGroup({ id, members: ["all"] }, { safe: true })

          it("should not override existing data with no last_modified", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) =>
                    id: data.id,
                    members: [],
                    title: "foo",
                  { safe: true }
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

      describe(".deleteGroup()", () => {
        it("should delete a group", () => {
          return bucket
            .then(_ => bucket.deleteGroup("foo"))
            .then(_ => bucket.listGroups())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(coll => coll.id))

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should check for concurrency", () => {
            return bucket
              .then(({ data }) =>
                bucket.deleteGroup("posts", {
                  safe: true,
                  last_modified: data.last_modified - 1000,
              .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

      describe(".batch()", () => {
        it("should allow batching operations for current bucket", () => {
          return bucket
            .batch(batch => {
              const coll = batch.collection("comments");
              coll.createRecord({ content: "plop" });
              coll.createRecord({ content: "yo" });
            .then(_ => bucket.collection("comments").listRecords())
            .then(({ data }) => data.map(comment => comment.content).sort())
            .should.become(["plop", "yo"]);

        describe("Safe option", () => {
          it("should allow batching operations for current bucket", () => {
            return bucket
                batch => {
                { safe: true, aggregate: true }

    describe(".collection()", () => {
      function runSuite(label, collPromise) {
        describe(label, () => {
          let coll;

          beforeEach(() => {
            return collPromise().then(_coll => (coll = _coll));

          describe(".getTotalRecords()", () => {
            it("should retrieve the initial total number of records", () => {
              return coll.getTotalRecords().should.become(0);

            it("should retrieve the updated total number of records", () => {
              return coll
                .batch(batch => {
                  batch.createRecord({ a: 1 });
                  batch.createRecord({ a: 2 });
                .then(() => coll.getTotalRecords())

          describe(".getPermissions()", () => {
            it("should retrieve permissions", () => {
              return coll

          describe(".setPermissions()", () => {
            beforeEach(() => {
              return coll.setData({ a: 1 });

            it("should set typed permissions", () => {
              return coll
                .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
                .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

            describe("Safe option", () => {
              it("should perform concurrency checks", () => {
                return coll
                    { read: ["github:n1k0"] },
                    { safe: true, last_modified: 1 }
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

          describe(".addPermissions()", () => {
            beforeEach(() => {
              return coll
                .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
                .then(() => coll.setData({ a: 1 }));

            it("should append collection permissions", () => {
              return coll
                .addPermissions({ read: ["accounts:gabi"] })
                .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

          describe(".removePermissions()", () => {
            beforeEach(() => {
              return coll
                .setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
                .then(() => coll.setData({ a: 1 }));

            it("should pop collection permissions", () => {
              return coll
                .removePermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] })
                .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

          describe(".getData()", () => {
            it("should retrieve collection data", () => {
              return coll
                .setData({ signed: true })
                .then(_ => coll.getData())

          describe(".setData()", () => {
            beforeEach(() => {
              return coll.setPermissions({ read: ["github:n1k0"] });

            it("should set collection data", () => {
              return coll
                .setData({ signed: true })
                .then(({ data, permissions }) => {

            describe("Safe option", () => {
              it("should perform concurrency checks", () => {
                return coll
                  .setData({ signed: true }, { safe: true, last_modified: 1 })
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

          describe(".createRecord()", () => {
            describe("No record id provided", () => {
              it("should create a record", () => {
                return coll
                  .createRecord({ title: "foo" })

              describe("Safe option", () => {
                it("should check for existing record", () => {
                  return coll
                    .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                    .then(({ data }) =>
                          id: data.id,
                          title: "foo",
                        { safe: true }
                    .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

            describe("Record id provided", () => {
              const record = {
                id: "37f727ed-c8c4-461b-80ac-de874992165c",
                title: "foo",

              it("should create a record", () => {
                return coll

          describe(".updateRecord()", () => {
            it("should update a record", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                .then(({ data }) =>
                  coll.updateRecord({ ...data, title: "mod" })
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords())
                .then(({ data }) => data[0].title)

            it("should patch a record", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ title: "foo", blah: 42 })
                .then(({ data }) =>
                  coll.updateRecord({ id: data.id, blah: 43 }, { patch: true })
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords())
                .then(({ data }) => {

            it("should create the record if it doesn't exist yet", () => {
              const id = "2dcd0e65-468c-4655-8015-30c8b3a1c8f8";

              return coll
                .updateRecord({ id, title: "blah" })
                .then(res => coll.getRecord(res.data.id))

            describe("Safe option", () => {
              const id = "2dcd0e65-468c-4655-8015-30c8b3a1c8f8";

              it("should perform concurrency checks with last_modified", () => {
                return coll
                  .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                  .then(({ data }) =>
                        id: data.id,
                        title: "foo",
                        last_modified: 1,
                      { safe: true }
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

              it("should create a non-existent resource when safe is true", () => {
                return coll
                  .updateRecord({ id, title: "foo" }, { safe: true })

              it("should not override existing data with no last_modified", () => {
                return coll
                  .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                  .then(({ data }) =>
                        id: data.id,
                        title: "foo",
                      { safe: true }
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

          describe(".deleteRecord()", () => {
            it("should delete a record", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                .then(({ data }) => coll.deleteRecord(data.id))
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords())

            describe("Safe option", () => {
              it("should perform concurrency checks", () => {
                return coll
                  .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                  .then(({ data }) =>
                    coll.deleteRecord(data.id, {
                      last_modified: 1,
                      safe: true,
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /412 Precondition Failed/);

          describe(".addAttachment()", () => {
            describe("With filename", () => {
              const input = "test";
              const dataURL =
                "data:text/plain;name=test.txt;base64," + btoa(input);

              let result;

              beforeEach(() => {
                return coll
                    { foo: "bar" },
                    { permissions: { write: ["github:n1k0"] } }
                  .then(res => (result = res));

              it("should create a record with an attachment", () => {

              it("should create a record with provided record data", () => {

              it("should create a record with provided permissions", () => {

            describe("Without filename", () => {
              const dataURL = "data:text/plain;base64," + btoa("blah");

              it("should default filename to 'untitled' if not specified", () => {
                return coll

              it("should allow to specify safe in options", () => {
                return coll
                  .addAttachment(dataURL, undefined, { safe: true })

              it("should allow to specify a filename in options", () => {
                return coll
                  .addAttachment(dataURL, undefined, { filename: "MYFILE.DAT" })

          describe(".removeAttachment()", () => {
            const input = "test";
            const dataURL =
              "data:text/plain;name=test.txt;base64," + btoa(input);

            let recordId;

            beforeEach(() => {
              return coll
                .then(res => (recordId = res.data.id));

            it("should remove an attachment from a record", () => {
              return coll
                .then(() => coll.getRecord(recordId))

          describe(".getRecord()", () => {
            it("should retrieve a record by its id", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ title: "blah" })
                .then(res => coll.getRecord(res.data.id))

          describe(".listRecords()", () => {
            it("should list records", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ title: "foo" })
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords())
                .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.title))

            it("should expose the total number of records", () => {
              return coll
                .createRecord({ a: 1 })
                .then(() => coll.createRecord({ a: 2 }))
                .then(() => coll.listRecords())

            it("should order records by field", () => {
              return Promise.all(
                ["art3", "art1", "art2"].map(title => {
                  return coll.createRecord({ title });
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords({ sort: "title" }))
                .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.title))
                .should.eventually.become(["art1", "art2", "art3"]);

            describe("Filtering", () => {
              beforeEach(() => {
                return coll.batch(batch => {
                  batch.createRecord({ name: "paul", age: 28 });
                  batch.createRecord({ name: "jess", age: 54 });
                  batch.createRecord({ name: "john", age: 33 });
                  batch.createRecord({ name: "rené", age: 24 });

              it("should filter records", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ sort: "age", filters: { min_age: 30 } })
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.name))
                  .should.become(["john", "jess"]);

              it("should properly escape unicode filters", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ filters: { name: "rené" } })
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.name))

              it("should resolve with collection last_modified value", () => {
                return coll

            describe("since", () => {
              let ts1, ts2;

              beforeEach(() => {
                return coll
                  .then(({ last_modified }) => (ts1 = last_modified))
                  .then(_ => coll.createRecord({ n: 1 }))
                  .then(_ => coll.listRecords())
                  .then(({ last_modified }) => (ts2 = last_modified))
                  .then(_ => coll.createRecord({ n: 2 }));

              it("should retrieve all records modified since provided timestamp", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ since: ts1 })

              it("should only list changes made after the provided timestamp", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ since: ts2 })

            describe("'at' retrieves a snapshot at a given timestamp", () => {
              let rec1, rec2, rec3;

              beforeEach(() => {
                return coll
                  .createRecord({ n: 1 })
                  .then(({ data }) => {
                    rec1 = data;
                    return coll.createRecord({ n: 2 });
                  .then(({ data }) => {
                    rec2 = data;
                    return coll.createRecord({ n: 3 });
                  .then(({ data }) => (rec3 = data));

              it("should resolve with a regular list result object", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ at: rec3.last_modified })
                  .then(result => {
                    const expectedSnapshot = [rec3, rec2, rec1];
                    expect(() => result.next()).to.Throw(Error, /pagination/);

              it("should handle creations", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ at: rec1.last_modified })

              it("should handle updates", () => {
                let updatedRec2;
                return coll
                  .updateRecord({ ...rec2, n: 42 })
                  .then(({ data }) => {
                    updatedRec2 = data;
                    return coll.listRecords({ at: updatedRec2.last_modified });
                  .then(({ data }) => {
                    expect(data).eql([updatedRec2, rec3, rec1]);

              it("should handle deletions", () => {
                return coll
                  .then(({ data: { last_modified } }) => {
                    return coll.listRecords({ at: last_modified });
                  .then(({ data }) => {
                    expect(data).eql([rec3, rec2]);

              it("should handle long list of changes", () => {
                return coll
                  .batch(batch => {
                    for (let n = 4; n <= 100; n++) {
                      batch.createRecord({ n });
                  .then(res => {
                    const at = res[50].body.data.last_modified;
                    return coll.listRecords({ at });

              describe("Mixed CRUD operations", () => {
                let rec4 = {};
                let s1 = [],
                  s2 = [],
                  s3 = [],
                  s4 = [];
                let rec1up = 0;

                beforeEach(() => {
                  return coll
                    .batch(batch => {
                      batch.updateRecord({ ...rec1, foo: "bar" });
                      batch.createRecord({ n: 4 });
                    .then(responses => {
                      rec1up = responses[1].body.data;
                      rec4 = responses[responses.length - 1].body.data;

                      return Promise.all([
                        coll.listRecords({ at: rec1.last_modified }),
                        coll.listRecords({ at: rec2.last_modified }),
                        coll.listRecords({ at: rec3.last_modified }),
                        coll.listRecords({ at: rec4.last_modified }),
                    .then(results => {
                      const snapshots = results.map(({ data }) => data);
                      s1 = snapshots[0];
                      s2 = snapshots[1];
                      s3 = snapshots[2];
                      s4 = snapshots[3];

                it("should compute snapshot1 as expected", () => {

                it("should compute snapshot2 as expected", () => {
                  expect(s2).eql([rec2, rec1]);

                it("should compute snapshot3 as expected", () => {
                  expect(s3).eql([rec3, rec2, rec1]);

                it("should compute snapshot4 as expected", () => {
                  expect(s4).eql([rec4, rec1up, rec3]);

            describe("Pagination", () => {
              beforeEach(() => {
                return coll.batch(batch => {
                  for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
                    batch.createRecord({ n: i });

              it("should not paginate by default", () => {
                return coll
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2, 1]);

              it("should paginate by chunks", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 2 })
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2]);

              it("should provide a next method to load next page", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 2 })
                  .then(res => res.next())
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))

              it("should resolve with an empty array on exhausted pagination", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 2 }) // 1st page of 2 records
                  .then(res => res.next()) // 2nd page of 1 record
                  .then(res => res.next()) // No next page
                  .should.be.rejectedWith(Error, /Pagination exhausted./);

              it("should retrieve all pages", () => {
                // Note: Server has no limit by default, so here we get all the
                // records.
                return coll
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2, 1]);

              it("should retrieve specified number of pages", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 1, pages: 2 })
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2]);

              it("should allow fetching next page after last page if any", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 1, pages: 1 }) // 1 record
                  .then(({ data, next }) => next()) // 2 records
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2]);

              it("should should retrieve all existing pages", () => {
                return coll
                  .listRecords({ limit: 1, pages: Infinity })
                  .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.n))
                  .should.become([3, 2, 1]);

          describe(".batch()", () => {
            it("should allow batching operations in the current collection", () => {
              return coll
                .batch(batch => {
                  batch.createRecord({ title: "a" });
                  batch.createRecord({ title: "b" });
                .then(_ => coll.listRecords({ sort: "title" }))
                .then(({ data }) => data.map(record => record.title))
                .should.become(["a", "b"]);

      runSuite("default bucket", () => {
        return api
          .then(_ => api.bucket("default").collection("plop"));

      runSuite("custom bucket", () => {
        return api
          .then(_ => api.bucket("custom").createCollection("plop"))
          .then(_ => api.bucket("custom").collection("plop"));