Home Reference Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

should check that remote is a string


should validate remote arg value


should strip any trailing slash


should expose a passed events instance option


should propagate its events property to child dependencies


should assign version value


should accept a headers option


should validate protocol version


should propagate the requestMode option to the child HTTP instance


should keep the default timeout in the child HTTP instance


should propagate the timeout option to the child HTTP instance


should create an event emitter if none is provided


should expose provided event emitter as a property


should accept a bucket option


should accept a safe option


should provide the remaining backoff time in ms if any


should provide no remaining backoff time when none is set


should return a Bucket instance


should propagate default req options to bucket instance


should retrieve server settings on first request made


should store server settings into the serverSettings property


should not fetch server settings if they're cached already


should retrieve server settings


should retrieve server capabilities


should retrieve user information


should retrieve current API version


should skip registering HTTP events


should ensure server settings are fetched


should not perform request on empty operation list


should call the batch endpoint


should define main batch request default headers


should attach all batch request headers


should batch the expected number of requests


should forward the safe option to resulting requests


should reject on HTTP 400


should reject on HTTP error status code


should expose succesful subrequest responses


should expose failing subrequest responses


should resolve with encountered HTTP 500


should expose encountered HTTP 412


should chunk batch requests


should not chunk batch requests if setting is falsy


should map initial records to conflict objects


should chunk batch requests concurrently


should resolve with an aggregated result object


should execute expected request


should support passing custom headers


should resolve with a result object


should throw if bucket id is missing


should execute expected request


should accept a data option


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should execute expected request


should accept a bucket object


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should execute expected request


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should reject if http_api_version mismatches


should throw if responses length doesn't match requests one


should return an object


should return an object with the expected keys


should expose HTTP 500 errors in the errors list


should expose HTTP 200<=x<400 responses in the published list


should expose HTTP 404 responses in the skipped list


should expose HTTP 412 responses in the conflicts list


should list errors


should list published data


should list conflicts


should list skips


should accept options


should execute expected request


should resolve with response data


should set the bucket data


should handle the patch option


should handle the safe option


should resolve with json result


should return a Collection instance


should return a named collection


should propagate bucket options


should list bucket collections


should merge default options


should return the list of collections


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should create a named collection


should merge default options


should create an unnamed collection


should merge default options


should delete a collection


should merge default options


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should list bucket groups


should merge default options


should return the list of groups


should extend request headers with optional ones


should return the group


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should create a group with empty list of members


should create a group with optional data and permissions


should throw if record is not an object


should throw if id is missing


should accept a patch option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should update the group from first argument


should update the group with optional data and permissions


should delete a group


should merge default options


should accept a safe option


should extend request headers with optional ones


should retrieve permissions


should merge default options


should set permissions


should merge default options


should accept a last_modified option


should resolve with response data


should batch operations for this bucket


should merge default options


should execute expected request


should resolve with response data


should retrieve permissions


should set permissions


should handle the safe option


should resolve with json result


should retrieve data


should set the data


should handle the safe option


should resolve with json result


should create the expected request


should accept a safe option


should execute the expected request


should resolve with response body


should throw if record is not an object


should throw if id is missing


should create the expected request


should accept a safe option


should accept a patch option


should resolve with response body


should throw if id is missing


should delete a record


should accept a safe option


should delete a record using a record object


should execute expected request


should retrieve a record


should execute expected request


should sort records


should resolve with records list


should resolve with a next() function


should support the since option


should throw if the since option is invalid


should resolve with the collection last_modified cast as int value


should generate the expected filtering query string


shouldn't need an explicit sort parameter


should issue a request with the specified limit applied


should query for next page


should aggregate paginated results


should batch operations


should provide a root endpoint


should provide a batch endpoint


should provide a bucket endpoint


should provide a collection endpoint


should provide a records endpoint


should provide a record endpoint


should expose a passed events instance


should accept a requestMode option


should complain if an events handler is not provided


should set default headers


should merge custom headers with default ones


should use default CORS mode


should use configured custom CORS mode


should resolve with HTTP status


should resolve with JSON body


should resolve with headers


should timeout the request


should resolve with null JSON if Content-Length header is missing


should reject with an appropriate message


should reject on status code > 400


should handle deprecation header


should handle deprecation header parse error


should emit a deprecated event on Alert header


should emit a backoff event on set Backoff header


should emit a backoff event on missing Backoff header


should emit a retry-after event when Retry-After is set


should support root batch


should support bucket batch


should retrieve server settings


should retrieve server capabilities


should retrieve user information


should retrieve current API version


should create a bucket with the passed id


should create a bucket having a list of write permissions


should create bucket data


should not override existing bucket


should create a bucket having a list of write permissions


should delete a bucket


should raise a conflict error when resource has changed


should delete all buckets


should retrieve the list of buckets


should allow batching operations


should allow batching by chunks


should return an aggregated result object


should contain the list of succesful publications


should return an aggregated result object


should contain the list of succesful publications


should appropriately populate the backoff property


should warn when the server sends a deprecation Alert header


should reject with a 410 Gone when hard EOL is received


should fetch one results page


should fetch all available pages


should retrieve the bucket identifier


should retrieve bucket last_modified value


should post data to the bucket


should patch existing data for the bucket


should post data to the default bucket


should list existing collections


should retrieve bucket permissions


should set bucket permissions


should check for concurrency


should create a named collection


should create an automatically named collection


should not override existing collection


should create a collection having a list of write permissions


should create a collection having the expected data attached


should delete a collection


should check for concurrency


should create a named group


should create an automatically named group


should not override existing group


should create a collection having a list of write permissions


should create a collection having the expected data attached


should get a group


should update a group


should patch a group


should perform concurrency checks with last_modified


should create a non-existent resource when safe is true


should not override existing data with no last_modified


should delete a group


should check for concurrency


should allow batching operations for current bucket


should allow batching operations for current bucket


should retrieve permissions


should set typed permissions


should perform concurrency checks


should retrieve collection data


should set collection data


should perform concurrency checks


should create a record


should check for existing record


should create a record


should update a record


should patch a record


should create the record if it doesn't exist yet


should perform concurrency checks with last_modified


should create a non-existent resource when safe is true


should not override existing data with no last_modified


should delete a record


should perform concurrency checks


should retrieve a record by its id


should list records


should order records by field


should filter records


should properly escape unicode filters


should resolve with collection last_modified value


should retrieve all records modified since provided timestamp


should only list changes made after the provided timestamp


should not paginate by default


should paginate by chunks


should provide a next method to load next page


should resolve with an empty array on exhausted pagination


should retrieve all pages


should retrieve specified number of pages


should allow fetching next page after last page if any


should should retrieve all existing pages


should allow batching operations in the current collection


should return a POST creation request


should return a PUT creation request when an id is provided


should accept a headers option


should accept a permissions option


should support a safe option


should return a deletion request


should accept a headers option


should raise for safe with no last_modified passed


should support a safe option with a last_modified option


should return a update request


should accept a headers option


should accept a permissions option


should accept a patch option


should handle data


should support a safe option with no last_modified passed


should support a safe option with a last_modified passed


should accept a patch option


should chunk array


should not chunk array with n<=0


should map list to aggregated results


should convert sync reducing function to async


should preserve order of entries


should ensure order of execution


should omit provided a single key


should omit multiple keys


should return source if no key is specified


should generate a query string from an object


should strip out undefined values


should join comma-separated values


should map boolean as lowercase string


should escaped values


should accept a version within provided range


should not accept a version oustide provided range


should return a function


should make decorated method checking the version


should make decorated method resolve on version match


should make decorated method rejecting on version mismatch


should check for an attached client instance


should return a function


should make decorated method pass when not in batch


should make decorated method to throw if in batch
