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import {
} from 'lodash';

import BaseObject from '../BaseObject';
import AllowedMethodsService from '../utils/AllowedMethodsService';
import {
} from '../errors';

// The basic RegEx for validating that rule string is correct. The type of the
// rule is later on validated using AllowedMethodsService as well.
const TYPE_REGEX = /^can(not)? ([a-z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)$/;

 * Implementation of the Rule Type class.
 * Type is responsible for the rule string e.g. `can watch` validation and
 * for extracting all relevant infos out of that string.
export default class Type extends BaseObject {
  constructor(rule, str) {

    const match = isString(str) && str.match(TYPE_REGEX);

    // Extract type of the rule.
    // e.g. "cannot watch" => "watch"
    this.type = (() => (isArray(match) ? match[2] : undefined))();

     * Just store the given string. Used internally by Type class.
    this.raw = str;

     * Reference to a original rule
    this.rule = rule;


    // 'can' rules are positive 'cannot' rules are NOT positive.
    this._isPositive = !match[1];

   * Throws an error if the type of the rule is not applicable.
  validate() {
    const allowedMethodsService = new AllowedMethodsService();
    const type = this.type;

    if (!isString(type) || allowedMethodsService.isRestricted(type)) {
      throw new WrongRuleDefinition(
        `Cannot create a rule ${this.raw}. The type of the rule cannot be parsed.`

    return true;

   * `can` rules are positive `cannot` rules are negative.
  isPositive() {
    return !!this._isPositive;

   * Opposite of `isPositive()` method.
  isNegative() {
    return !this.isPositive();