Home Reference Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

should create an action to log user in


should create an action to notify user log in success


should create an action to notify user log in failure


should create an action to log user out


should render login form


should not submit form with empty credentials


should call onSubmit() when form is properly submitted


should contain <AuthForm /> component


should handle unknown or missing actions


should handle LOGIN_REQUEST


should handle LOGIN_SUCCESS


should handle LOGIN_FAILURE


should handle LOGOUT


should return the initial state


should create an action to add a todo


should create an action to remove a todo


should create an action to toggle a todo


should create an action to clear completed todo


should create an action to set the todo filter


should render a todo


should call onClick() when label is clicked


should call onButtonClick() when button is clicked


should render filtered todos


should render a form to add a todo


should not submit form with an empty label


should submit form when a label is given


should generate a clickable link to filter todos


should not be clickable if filter is already active


should display the filter name properly


should render all filter links


should set proper filter as active


should pass a fonction as onClick property


should not display clear link if there isn't completed todo


should display clear link if there is completed todo


should call onTodoClearClick on clear link click


should contain <TodoForm /> component


should contain <TodoFilterLinks /> component


should contain <TodoList /> component


should contain <TodoFooter /> component


should handle unknown or missing actions


should handle ADD_TODO


should handle REMOVE_TODO


should handle TOGGLE_TODO


should handle CLEAR_TODO


should handle unknown or missing actions


should handle SET_TODO_FILTER


should create an action to fetch users


should create an action to notify user fetch success


should create an action to notify user fetch error


should render a user


should render a user list


should render an error


should call a function on refresh button click


should contain <UserHeader /> component


should contain <UserList /> component


should not contain <UserError /> component


should handle unknown or missing actions


should handle FETCH_USERS




should handle FETCH_USERS_ERROR
