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// Copyright 2016- Paul Brewer, Economic and Financial Technology Consulting LLC
// This is open source software. The MIT License applies to this software.
// see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT or included License.md file

/* eslint no-console: "off", no-sync:"off", consistent-this:"off" */

import Log from 'simple-isomorphic-logger';
import * as MEC from 'market-example-contingent';
import * as MarketAgents from 'market-agents';
import * as stats from 'stats-lite';
import gini from 'gini-ss';
import positiveNumberArray from 'positive-number-array';
import pWhilst from 'p-whilst';

 *  on the browser, the jspm package manager can be programmed to set the
 *  fs module to @empty with jspm install single-market-robot-simulator -o override.json
 *  where override.json looks like {"map": {"fs": "@empty" }}

import * as fs from 'fs'; // remember to override in jspm dep configuration to empty

const Market = MEC.Market;
const {Pool} = MarketAgents;

const AgentFactoryWarehouse = {};

 * create new agent of specified name and options
 * @param {string} name Name of agent registered in AgentFactoryWarehouse
 * @param {Object} options Agent options.
 * @return {Object} new Agent generated by calling requested constructor with options
 * @private

function newAgentFactory(name, options){
    return new AgentFactoryWarehouse[name](options);

 * register new types of (customized) agents in AgentFactoryWarehouse for use in simulations
 * @param {Object} obj An object with agent type names for keys and constructor(options) functions for values

export function agentRegister(obj){
    Object.assign(AgentFactoryWarehouse, obj);

agentRegister(MarketAgents); // a bit overbroad but gets all of them

const orderHeader = [

export const logHeaders = {
    ohlc: ['caseid','period','beginTime','endTime','endReason','openPrice','highPrice','lowPrice','closePrice','volume','p25Price','medianPrice','p75Price','meanPrice','sd','gini'],
    buyorder:  orderHeader,
    sellorder: orderHeader,
    rejectbuyorder: orderHeader,
    rejectsellorder: orderHeader,
    trade: ['caseid','period','t','tp','price','buyerAgentId','buyerAgentType','buyerValue','buyerProfit','sellerAgentId','sellerAgentType','sellerCost','sellerProfit'],
    effalloc: ['caseid','period','efficiencyOfAllocation']

export const logNames = ['trade','buyorder','sellorder','rejectbuyorder','rejectsellorder','profit','ohlc','effalloc'];

 * single-market-robot-simulation Simulation

export class Simulation {

     * Create Simulation with given configuration
     * @param {Object} config
     * @param {number} config.periods number of periods in this simulation
     * @param {number} config.periodDuration duration of each period
     * @param {number} [config.tradeClock] trade clock duration: end period early if a trade does not occur in this time interval
     * @param {number} [config.orderClock] order clock duration: end period early if a valid (not rejected) buy or sell order does not occur in this time interval
     * @param {string[]} config.buyerAgentType string array (choose from "ZIAgent","UnitAgent","OneupmanshipAgent","KaplanSniperAgent" or types registered with agentRegister()) giving a rotation of types of agents to use when creating the buyer agents.
     * @param {string[]} config.sellerAgentType string array (choose from "ZIAgent","UnitAgent","OneupmanshipAgent","KaplanSniperAgent" or types registered with agentRegister()) giving a rotation of types of agents to use when creating the seller agents.
     * @param {number[]} [config.buyerRate=1.0] poisson arrival rate in wakes/sec for each buyer agent, defaults to 1.0 for all agents
     * @param {number[]} [config.sellerRate=1.0] poisson arrival rate in wakes/sec for each seller agent, defaults to 1.0 for all agents
     * @param {number[]} config.buyerValues Numeric array giving aggregate market demand for X. Becomes agents' values for units. Each period a new set of these values is distributed among buyer agents.
     * @param {number[]} config.sellerCosts Numeric array giving aggregate market supply for X. Becomes agents' costs for units.  Each period a new set of these costs is distributed among seller agents.
     * @param {number} [config.numberOfBuyers] number of buyers; if unprovided, assigns 1 buyer per entry in .buyerValues
     * @param {number} [config.numberOfSellers] number of sellers; if unprovided, assigns 1 seller per entry in .sellerCosts
     * @param {Object} config.xMarket configuration options for x Market forwarded to market-example-contingent constructor
     * @param {boolean} [config.integer] Set true if agent prices should be integers. Sent to agent constructor. Used by some random agents, such as ZIAgent.
     * @param {boolean} [config.ignoreBudgetConstraint] Set true if agents should ignore their values/costs and pretend they have maximum value or minimum cost.  Sent to agent constructors.
     * @param {boolean} [config.keepPreviousOrders] Set true if agents should not set cancelReplace flag on orders
     * @param {number} config.L Minimum suggested agent price.  Sets .minPrice in agent constructor options
     * @param {number} config.H Maximum suggested agent price.  Sets .maxPrice in agent constructor options
     * @param {boolean} [config.silent] If true, suppress console.log messages providing total number of agents, etc.
     * @param {boolean} [config.withoutOrderLogs] If true, suppresses buyorderlog and sellorderlog


         * copy of config as passed to constructor
         * @type {Object} this.config

        this.config = config;


         * caseid to report as first column of each log
         * @type {number} this.caseid

        this.caseid = config.caseid || 0;

         * current period number when running simulation
         * @type {number} this.period

        this.period = 0;

         * trade prices for current period
         * @type {number[]} this.periodTradePrices

        this.periodTradePrices = [];

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (!this.config.silent){
            console.log("duration of each period = "+this.periodDuration);
            console.log(" ");
            console.log("Number of Buyers  = "+this.numberOfBuyers);
            console.log("Number of Sellers = "+this.numberOfSellers);
            console.log("Total Number of Agents  = "+this.numberOfAgents);
            console.log(" ");
            console.log("minPrice = "+this.config.L);
            console.log("maxPrice = "+this.config.H);

     * initialize simulation data logging.
     * called automatically by constructor
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        sim.logs = {};
        const withoutOrderLogs = logNames.filter(function(s){ return !(s.includes('order'));});
        const actualLogs = (sim.config.withoutOrderLogs)? withoutOrderLogs: logNames;
        const logDir = sim.config.logDir || ".";
        const logToFS = sim.config.logToFileSystem;
            sim.logs[name] = new Log(logDir+"/"+name+".csv", logToFS).setHeader(logHeaders[name]);

        const sim = this;
        const preamble = ['caseid','period'];
        const profits = sim.pool.agents.map((a)=>('y'+a.id));
        const header = preamble.concat(profits);
        if (sim.logs.profit)

     * Initalize single market for trading X in Simulation
     * called by constructor
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        const xDefaults = {
            goods: "X",
            money: "money"
        sim.xMarket = new Market(Object.assign({}, xDefaults, sim.config.xMarket));
        sim.xMarket.previousPeriod = (prop)=>(sim.logs.ohlc.lastByKey(prop));
        sim.xMarket.on('trade', function(tradespec){
        if (!sim.config.withoutOrderLogs){
            sim.xMarket.on('preorder', function(myorder){
            sim.xMarket.on('reject', function(myorder){

     * Initialize agents in simulation
     * called by constructor
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        const config = sim.config;
        sim.pool = new Pool();
        sim.buyersPool = new Pool();
        sim.sellersPool = new Pool();
        sim.numberOfBuyers  = config.numberOfBuyers  || config.buyerValues.length;
        sim.numberOfSellers = config.numberOfSellers || config.sellerCosts.length;
        config.buyerRate  = positiveNumberArray(config.buyerRate) || [1];
        config.sellerRate = positiveNumberArray(config.sellerRate) || [1];
        if ( (!sim.numberOfBuyers) || (!sim.numberOfSellers) )
            throw new Error("single-market-robot-simulation: can not determine numberOfBuyers and/or numberOfSellers ");
        sim.numberOfAgents = sim.numberOfBuyers+sim.numberOfSellers;
        const common = {
            integer: config.integer,
            ignoreBudgetConstraint: config.ignoreBudgetConstraint,
            period: {number:0, equalDuration:true, duration:(config.periodDuration || 1000), init: {inventory:{X:0, money:0}}},
            minPrice: config.L,
            maxPrice: config.H
        sim.periodDuration = common.period.duration;
        for(let i=0,l=sim.numberOfBuyers;i<l;++i){
            const a = sim.newBuyerAgent(i, common);
        for(let i=0,l=sim.numberOfSellers;i<l;++i){
            const a = sim.newSellerAgent(i, common);

     * Create a new Buyer agent for the simulation
     * called by initAgents() for each buyer
     * @param {number} i counter for agents 0,1,2,...
     * @param {Object} common Settings to send to agent constructor
     * @private

    newBuyerAgent(i, common){
        const sim = this;
        const lType = sim.config.buyerAgentType.length;
        const lRate = sim.config.buyerRate.length;
        const a = newAgentFactory(
                          {rate: sim.config.buyerRate[i%lRate]})
        return a;

     * Create a new Seller agent for the simulation
     * called by initAgents() for each seller
     * @param {number} i counter for agents 0,1,2,...
     * @param {Object} common Settings to send to agent constructor
     * @private

    newSellerAgent(i, common){
        const sim = this;
        const lType = sim.config.sellerAgentType.length;
        const lRate = sim.config.sellerRate.length;
        const a = newAgentFactory(
            Object.assign({id: i+1+sim.numberOfBuyers},
                          {rate: sim.config.sellerRate[i%lRate]})
        return a;

     * teach an agent tasks such as how to send buy and sell orders to market, how to find "Juicy" price for KaplanSniperAgent, etc.
     * called for each agent in newBuyerAgent() or newSellerAgent()
     * @param {Object} A a new agent that needs to learn the task methods
     * @private

    teachAgent(A) {
        const sim = this;
        A.bid = function(market, price){
            const order = MEC.oa({
                t: this.wakeTime,
                id: this.id,
                cancel: !sim.config.keepPreviousOrders,
                q: 1,
                buyPrice: price
            if (market.goods === 'X'){
                while(market.process()){} // eslint-disable-line no-empty

        A.ask = function(market, price){
            const order = MEC.oa({
                t: this.wakeTime,
                id: this.id,
                cancel: !sim.config.keepPreviousOrders,
                q: 1,
                sellPrice: price
            if (market.goods === 'X'){

        A.markets = [sim.xMarket];


     * calculate potentialEndOfPeriod and reason
     * @return {Object} {endTime,reason}  endTime(number) and reason(string) for end of period

       const sim = this;
       function lastT(log){
         const period = sim.logs[log].lastByKey('period');
         if (period !== sim.period){
           return sim.periodDuration*sim.period;
         return +(sim.logs[log].lastByKey('t'));
       let endTime = sim.pool.endTime(), altTime=0;
       let reason = 0;   // endPeriod because periodDuration expired
       if (+sim.config.orderClock>0){
         altTime = ['buyorder','sellorder'].reduce(
           (acc,log)=>(Math.max(acc, +sim.config.orderClock+lastT(log))), 0
         if (altTime<endTime){
           endTime = altTime;
           reason = 2;  // endPeriod because orderClock expired
       if (+sim.config.tradeClock>0){
         altTime = +sim.config.tradeClock+lastT('trade');
         if (altTime<endTime){
           endTime = altTime;
           reason = 1; // endPeriod because tradeClock expired
       return { endTime, reason};

     * runs a periods of the simulation
     * @param {boolean} sync true indicates call is synchronous, return value will be simulation object; false indicates async, return value is Promise
     * @return {Promise<Object,Error>} Resolves to simulation object when one period of simulation is complete.

        const sim=this;
        function atEndOfPeriod(){
            return sim;

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (!sim.config.silent)
            console.log("period: "+sim.period);


        let oldEnd = {endTime: 0};
        let mayEnd = sim.potentialEndOfPeriod();

        function cont(){
          return oldEnd.endTime < mayEnd.endTime;

        function step(){
          oldEnd = mayEnd;
          mayEnd = sim.potentialEndOfPeriod();

        if (sync){
          while( cont() ){
          return (atEndOfPeriod());
        if (!(sim.config.realtime)){
          return pWhilst(
        if (+sim.config.orderClock || +sim.config.tradeClock){
          return Promise.reject("orderClock/tradeClock not yet supported with real time sim");
        return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
            function onRealtimeWake(endTime){
                if (!endTime)
                    return reject("period endTime required for onRealtimeWake, got: "+endTime);
                return function(){
                    const now = (Date.now()/1000.0)-sim.realtime;
                    if (now>=endTime){
                        delete sim.realtimeIntervalId;
                        return resolve(atEndOfPeriod());

            if (sim.realtimeIntervalId){
                return reject("sim has unexpected realtimeIntervalId");

            /* adjust realtime offset */

            sim.realtime = (Date.now()/1000.0)-(sim.pool.agents[0].period.startTime);

            /* run asynchronously, and in realtime, endTime() is called immediately and onRealtimeWake(...) returns actual handler function */

            sim.realtimeIntervalId = setInterval(onRealtimeWake(sim.pool.endTime()), 40);


     * Calculate simple maxGainsFromTrade() from simulation configuration buyerValues and sellerCosts
     * by sorting buyers' units high value first, and sellers' costs low value first, and adding profitable pairs
     * Slice and sort first to be robust against values/costs being unsorted.
     * This is currently used only for logging purposes.  No market or agent behavior should typically depend on this function.
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        if (sim.maximumPossibleGainsFromTrade) return sim.maximumPossibleGainsFromTrade;
        let result = 0;
        if (Array.isArray(sim.config.buyerValues) && Array.isArray(sim.config.sellerCosts)){
            const buyerV = sim.config.buyerValues.slice().sort(function(a,b){ return +b-a; });
            const sellerC = sim.config.sellerCosts.slice().sort(function(a,b){ return +a-b;});
            let i = 0;
            let l = Math.min(buyerV.length,sellerC.length);
            while ((i<l) && (buyerV[i]>sellerC[i])){
                result += (buyerV[i]-sellerC[i]);
        sim.maximumPossibleGainsFromTrade = result;
        return result;

     * Perform end-of-period simulation logging of profits, open/high/low/close trade prices, etc.
     * called automatically
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        const finalMoney = sim.pool.agents.map(function(A){ return A.inventory.money; });
        function ohlc(){
          const result = {
              caseid: sim.caseid,
              period: sim.period,
              beginTime: sim.period*sim.periodDuration,
              endTime: sim.potentialEndOfPeriod().endTime,
              endReason: sim.potentialEndOfPeriod().reason,
              volume:  sim.periodTradePrices.length,
              gini: gini(finalMoney)
            if (sim.periodTradePrices.length>0){
                openPrice: sim.periodTradePrices[0],
                highPrice: Math.max(...sim.periodTradePrices),
                lowPrice:  Math.min(...sim.periodTradePrices),
                closePrice: sim.periodTradePrices[sim.periodTradePrices.length-1],
                medianPrice: stats.median(sim.periodTradePrices),
                meanPrice: stats.mean(sim.periodTradePrices),
                sd:  stats.stdev(sim.periodTradePrices),
                p25Price: stats.percentile(sim.periodTradePrices,0.25),
                p75Price: stats.percentile(sim.periodTradePrices,0.75)
        if (sim.logs.profit)
        if (sim.logs.ohlc)
        if (sim.logs.effalloc){
            let finalMoneySum = 0.0;
            for(let i=0,l=finalMoney.length;i<l;++i) finalMoneySum+=finalMoney[i];
            let maxPossible = sim.getMaximumPossibleGainsFromTrade();
            if (maxPossible>0)
                sim.logs.effalloc.write([sim.caseid,sim.period, 100*(finalMoneySum/maxPossible)]);
        sim.periodTradePrices = [];

     * called to log each compliant order
     * @private

    logOrder(prefix, orderArray){
        const sim = this;
        const order = MEC.ao(orderArray);
        const agent = sim.pool.agentsById[order.id];
        const buyLog = prefix+'buyorder';
        const sellLog = prefix+'sellorder';
        let loggedProperties = {
          caseid: sim.caseid,
          period: sim.period
        const marketProps = {
          preBidPrice: 'currentBidPrice',
          preAskPrice: 'currentAskPrice',
          preTradePrice: 'lastTradePrice'
          const k2 = marketProps[k];
            loggedProperties[k] = (
              (typeof(sim.xMarket[k2])==='function') &&
        if ((agent.inventory) && (order)){
            Object.assign(loggedProperties, {
                t:  order.t,
                tp: order.t-(sim.period*sim.periodDuration),
                id: order.id,
                x: agent.inventory.X
        if ((agent) && (order.buyPrice) && (sim.logs[buyLog])){
            Object.assign(loggedProperties, {
                buyLimitPrice: order.buyPrice,
                buyerValue: agent.unitValueFunction('X',agent.inventory),
                buyerAgentType: agent.constructor.name
            sim.logs[buyLog].submit(loggedProperties, '');
        if ((agent) && (order.sellPrice) && (sim.logs[sellLog])){
            Object.assign(loggedProperties, {
                sellLimitPrice: order.sellPrice,
                sellerCost: agent.unitCostFunction('X',agent.inventory),
                sellerAgentType: agent.constructor.name
            sim.logs[sellLog].submit(loggedProperties, '');

     * called to log each trade in simulation
     * @private

        const sim = this;
        const idCol = sim.xMarket.o.idCol;

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (idCol === undefined )
            throw new Error("Simulation.prototype.logTrade: sim.xMarket.o.idCol is undefined");
        // this is only sufficient for single unit trades
        if ( (tradespec.totalQ!==1) ||
             (tradespec.buyA.length!==1) ||
             (tradespec.sellA.length!==1) )
            throw new Error("Simulation.prototype.logTrade: single unit trades required, got: "+tradespec.totalQ);
        const buyerid  = sim.xMarket.a[tradespec.buyA[0]][idCol];

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (buyerid===undefined)
            throw new Error("Simulation.prototype.logTrade: buyerid is undefined, tradespec="+JSON.stringify(tradespec));
        const sellerid = sim.xMarket.a[tradespec.sellA[0]][idCol];

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (sellerid===undefined)
            throw new Error("Simulation.prototype.logTrade: sellerid is undefined, tradespec="+JSON.stringify(tradespec));
        const tradePrice = tradespec.prices[0];
        if (!tradePrice) throw new Error("Simulation.prototype.logTrade: undefined price in trade ");
        const buyerAgent = sim.pool.agentsById[buyerid];
        const buyerAgentType = buyerAgent.constructor.name;
        const sellerAgent = sim.pool.agentsById[sellerid];
        const sellerAgentType = sellerAgent.constructor.name;
        const tradeBuyerValue = buyerAgent.unitValueFunction('X', buyerAgent.inventory);
        const tradeBuyerProfit = tradeBuyerValue-tradePrice;
        const tradeSellerCost = sellerAgent.unitCostFunction('X', sellerAgent.inventory);
        const tradeSellerProfit = tradePrice-tradeSellerCost;
        const tradeOutput = [
        if (sim.logs.trade)

     * run simulation
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {boolean} [options.sync=false] true to run synchronously, returns simulation object (not a Promise)
     * @param {function(sim:Object)} [options.update]  update Optional end of period function
     * @param {number} [options.delay=20] delay timeout between periods in ms. Only effective in asynchronous mode.
     * @param {number} [options.deadline=0] deadline to compare with Date.now() -- If over deadline, return available data.  0 disables.
     * @return {Promise<Object,Error>} resolves to simulation object

        const defaults = {sync:false, update:((s)=>(s)), delay: 20, deadline:0};
        const { sync, update, delay, deadline } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
        const sim = this;
        const config = this.config;
        if (typeof(update)!=='function')
            throw new Error("expected 'update' to be a function, got: "+typeof(update));

        function forceFinish(){
            config.periodsRequested = config.periods;
            config.periods = sim.period;

        /* istanbul ignore if */

        if (!config.silent)
            console.log("Periods = "+config.periods);

        if (sync){
                sim.runPeriod(true);  // pass true to .runPeriod to run synchronously
                if ((deadline) && (Date.now()>deadline)) forceFinish();

            /* istanbul ignore if */

            if (!config.silent)

            return sim;

        return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
            function loop(){
                         if ((deadline) && (Date.now()>deadline)) forceFinish();
                         return (s.period<config.periods)? setTimeout(loop,delay): resolve(s);

/* the next comment tells the coverage tester that the main() function is not tested by the test suite */
/* istanbul ignore next */

function main(){

     * in stand-alone mode, read simulation config from ./config.json and run simulation synchronously, outputting log files in .csv format

    /* suggested by Krumia's http://stackoverflow.com/users/1461424/krumia */
    /* posting at http://stackoverflow.com/a/25710749/103081 */

    global.fs = fs;

    const simConfigFileName = ( process.argv.find((s)=>(s.endsWith(".json"))) ) || "./config.json";

    function mainPeriod(sim){
        fs.writeFileSync('./period', sim.period);
    const config = JSON.parse(
        fs.readFileSync(simConfigFileName, 'utf8')

    new Simulation(config).run({sync:true, update:mainPeriod });


if (typeof(module)==='object'){

    /* istanbul ignore if */

    if (require && (require.main===module))