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// Copyright 2016 Paul Brewer, Economic and FInancial Technology Consulting LLC 
// This is open source software. The MIT License applies to this software.
// see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT or included License.md file

// order format
// order = [
// 0      counter: // strictly increasing, may have gaps
// 1      tlocal: // local insertion time   (numeric JS timestamp)
// 2      t: // official time
// 3      tx: // expiration time, in units of official time 
// 4      u: user number
// 5      c: // 1 to cancel all active orders by userid
// 6      q: // quantity (could be 0)
// 7      b: // limit order price to buy
// 8      s: // limit order price to sell 
// 9      bs: // buy stop.  rising price triggers market order to buy (numeric)
// 10     bsp: // buy stop limit price. buy limit price sent when trade price is greater than or equal to stop
// 11     ss: // sell stop. falling price triggers market order to sell (numeric)
// 12     ssp: // sell stop limit price. sell limit price sent when trade price is less than or equal to stop
// 13     trigb: //  triggers new buy limit order asap
// 14     trigs: //  triggers new sell limit order asap
// 15     trigbs: // triggers new buy stop order asap
// 16     trigbsp: // limit price if triggered buy stop is activated
// 17     trigss: // triggers new sell stop order asap
// 18     trigssp: // limit price if triggered sell stop is activated
// ]

import {MarketEngine} from 'market-engine';
import marketPricing from 'market-pricing';
import PartialIndex from 'partial-index';

 * orderHeader defines the order of fields in an accepted order.  pre-orders start with field 2, the 't' field, as field 0.  
 * @type {string[]} orderHeader
export const orderHeader = [

 * convert order from array format to object format using field names from orderHeader
 * @param {number[]} ordera Order in array format, either a 17 number array or a 19 number array.
 * @return {Object} order object with fields from orderHeader

export function ao(ordera){
    const obj = {};
    let i=0,l=orderHeader.length,offset=0;
    if (ordera.length===orderHeader.length){
    } else if (ordera.length===(orderHeader.length-2)){
    } else {
        throw new Error("market-example-contingent function ao(), expected order array to have length 17 or 19, got "+ordera.length);
    // always report orderHeader fields 0-6, afterward, report only nonzero fields
        if ((i<=6) || (ordera[i-offset]))
            obj[orderHeader[i]] = ordera[i-offset];
    return obj;

 * convert order from object format to 17-element pre-order array format 
 * @param oin Object format order in, using keys from orderHeader
 * @return {number[]} 17 element pre-order array, suitable for use with .push()

export function oa(oin){
    const a = [];
    let i,l;
    if (typeof(oin)==='object'){
            a[i-2] = oin[orderHeader[i]];
            if (!a[i-2]) a[i-2] = 0;
    return a;   

 * Market with contingent order features, such as stop orders, one-cancels-other orders and one-sends-other orders

export class Market extends MarketEngine {

     * Market constructor
     * @param {Object} options Options affecting market behavior.  Also passed to marekt-engine constructor.  Accessible later in this.o
     * @param {number} [options.buyImprove] If positive, indicates entry in buy book new buy order must beat to be acceptable. 0=off. 1= new buy must beat book highest buy. 2=must beat 2nd best book,etc.
     * @param {number} [options.sellImprove] If positive, indicates entry in sell book new sell order must beat to be acceptable. 0=off. 1= new sell must be lower than lowest previous sell order on book.
     * @param {boolean} [options.resetAfterEachTrade] If true, calls .clear() after each trade, clearing the market books and active trade list.
     * @param {number} [options.buySellBookLimit] If positive, after each trade keeps at most buySellBookLimit orders in the buy book, and buySellBookLimit orders in the sell book, deleting other orders.
     * @param {boolean} [options.bookfixed=1] If true, books are fixed size and scan active list after each trade. If false, books are accordian-style that can shrink 50% before re-scanning old orders.
     * @param {number} [options.booklimit=100] Indicates maximum and initial size, in orders, of order book for each category (buy,sell,buystop,sellstop). 
     * @listens {bump} triggering book update with .cleanup() when orders are bumped off due to cancellation/expiration
     * @listens {before-order} triggering check of .improvementRule() to check new orders against .buyImprove/.sellImprove
     * @listens {order} to detect trades between orders, and when trades are found, calling market-engine inherited .trade() method
     * @listens {trade} triggering one-sends-other orders via .tradeTrigger() to be pushed to .inbox
     * @listens {trade-cleanup} triggering stop orders to .inbox, rescanning order books and applying post-trade book size limits
     * @listens {stops} to push buy/sell orders resulting from stops to .inbox

        // defaults defined standard this.o.tCol, etc. is authoritative for locating particular data in an order
        const defaults = { 
            bookfixed: 1,
            booklimit: 100
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));
        this.on('bump', this.cleanup); // update books if orders are bumped off in a bump even
        this.on('before-order', this.improvementRule);
        this.on('order', function(){
            // order has already been pushed to .a in MarketEngine.order
        this.on('trade', this.tradeTrigger);
        this.on('trade-cleanup', function(tradespec){
        this.on('stops', this.stopsTrigger);

     * submit order to the Market's inbox for eventual processing
     * @param {number[]} neworder a 17 element number array represeting an unentered order.
     * @return {string|undefined} Error message on invalid order format, undefined on ok submission
        if (Array.isArray(neworder) && (neworder.length===(orderHeader.length-2))){
            return undefined;
        return "market-example-contingent.submit: Invalid order, not an array of the correct length, got:"+JSON.stringify(neworder);

     * process order from the top of the inbox, returning inbox length
     * @return {number} number of orders remaining in inbox

        if (this.inbox.length>0)
        return this.inbox.length;

     * before-order event-handler for enforcing improvementRule.  Note: you would not normally need to explicitly call this method, as the constructor attaches it as a before-order handler.
     * @param {number[]} A pre-order which is a 17 element number array.  Provided by market-engine before-order event handler.
     * @param {function(rejectedOrder:number[])} Function with side-effect of marking orders as rejected.  Provided by market-engine before-order event handler.
     * @private

    improvementRule(neworder, reject){
        const bpCol = this.o.bpCol, spCol=this.o.spCol;
        // if buyImprove rule in effect, reject buy orders if new order price not above price from book
        if ( (this.o.buyImprove && neworder[bpCol]) &&
             (this.book.buy.idx) && 
             (this.book.buy.idx.length >= this.o.buyImprove) &&
             (neworder[bpCol] <= this.book.buy.val(this.o.buyImprove-1))
           ) return reject(neworder);
        // if sellImprove rule in effect, reject sell orders if new order price not below price from book
        if ( (this.o.sellImprove && neworder[spCol]) &&
             (this.book.sell.idx) && 
             (this.book.sell.idx.length >= this.o.sellImprove) &&
             (neworder[spCol] >= this.book.sell.val(this.o.sellImprove-1))
           ) return reject(neworder);

     * enforce market reset or book trimming after each trade.  Called automatically by trade-cleanup event handler.
     * @private

        if (this.o.resetAfterEachTrade)
            return this.clear();
        const buySellBookLimit = this.o.buySellBookLimit;
        if (buySellBookLimit>0){
            const keep = {};
                let i,l;
                    keep[B.idx[i]] = 1;
                let i,l;
                    keep[B.idx[i]] = 1;
            const keepidx = Object.keys(keep).sort(function(a,b){ return +a-b; });
            let i,l,temp=[];
                temp[i] = this.a[keepidx[i]];
                this.a[i] = temp[i];
            this.a.length = l;
            this.books.forEach(function(B){ B.scan(); });

     * market current Bid Price 
     * @return {number|undefined} price of highest buy limit order from market buy limit order book, if any.

        // relies on buy book sorted by price first because .val returns primary sort key
        return this.book.buy.val(0);

     * market current Ask Price
     * @return {number|undefined} price of lowest sell limit order from market sell limit order book, if any.
        // relies on sell book sorted by price first because .val returns primary sort key
        return this.book.sell.val(0);

     * last trade price, if any.
     * @return {number|undefined}
        if (this.lastTrade && this.lastTrade.prices && this.lastTrade.prices.length)
            return this.lastTrade.prices[this.lastTrade.prices.length-1];

     * called automatically in after-trade listener: searches stop books for stop orders and emits stop for stop orders triggered by the trading in parameter tradespec
     * @param {Object} tradespec Trading specification produced from limit order matching.
     * @emits {stops(t, matches)} when a change in trade price should trigger a stop order
     * @private

        let matches;
            this.emit('stops', tradespec.t, matches);

     * called automatically in order listener: determines trades between limit buy orders and limit sell orders, calling market-engine .trade()
     * @private

        let seqtrades;
        let tradeSpec;
        let i,l;
        while ((seqtrades = marketPricing.sequential(this.book.buy.idxdata(),
            // returns seqtrades = ['b'||'s', prices[], totalQ, buyQ[], sellQ[] ]       
            tradeSpec = { 
                t: ((seqtrades[0]==='b')? (this.book.buy.idxdata(0)[this.o.tCol]): (this.book.sell.idxdata(0)[this.o.tCol])),
                bs: seqtrades[0],
                prices: seqtrades[1],
                totalQ: seqtrades[2],
                buyQ: seqtrades[3],
                sellQ: seqtrades[4],
                buyA: this.book.buy.idx.slice(0,seqtrades[3].length),
                sellA: this.book.sell.idx.slice(0,seqtrades[4].length)
            tradeSpec.buyId  = [];
            tradeSpec.sellId = [];
                tradeSpec.buyId[i] = this.a[tradeSpec.buyA[i]][this.o.idCol];
                tradeSpec.sellId[i] = this.a[tradeSpec.sellA[i]][this.o.idCol];
            this.lastTrade = tradeSpec;

     * returns a 2 element array indicating [number of buy-stop, number of sell-stop] that are triggered by the reported trades in parameter tradespec
     * called automatically in stop order scanning
     * @param {Object} tradespec Trade specification
     * @private

        const prices = tradespec.prices;
        const low  = Math.min(...prices);
        const high = Math.max(...prices);
        return [
            ( this.book.buyStop.valBisect(high) || 0), 
            ( this.book.sellStop.valBisect(low) || 0)

     * changes a portion or all of one or more stop orders into limit orders for execution that are pushed into .inbox
     * @param {number} t Effective time.
     * @param {matches} two element array from Market#stopsMatch
     * @private

    stopsTrigger(t, matches){
        const o = this.o;    
        if (!matches) return;
        function toBuyAtMarket(buystop){
            const neworder = buystop.slice();  // includes triggers in copies, if any
            neworder[o.tCol] = t;
            neworder[o.txCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.cancelCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.bpCol] = neworder[o.bspCol];
            neworder[o.bsCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.bspCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.spCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.ssCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.sspCol] = 0;
            return neworder;
        function toSellAtMarket(sellstop){
            const neworder = sellstop.slice(); // includes triggers in copies, if any
            neworder[o.tCol] = t;
            neworder[o.txCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.cancelCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.bpCol] = 0; 
            neworder[o.bsCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.bspCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.spCol] = neworder[o.sspCol];
            neworder[o.ssCol] = 0;
            neworder[o.sspCol] = 0;
            return neworder;
        if (matches[0]){
            const bs = this.book.buyStop;
            const newOrders = (bs
            const trashIdxs = bs.idx.slice(0,matches[0]);
        if (matches[1]){
            const ss = this.book.sellStop;
            const newOrders = (ss
            const trashIdxs = ss.idx.slice(0,matches[1]);

     * Push to .inbox an order triggered by partial or full execution of an OSO one-sends-other
     * i.e. any order with the last 6 fields filled.
     * @param {number} j The OSO order's index in the active list a[]
     * @param {number} q The quantity executed of the OSO order, determining the q of the new order for execution. 
     * @param {number} t The effective time
     * @private
        if ((j===undefined) || (!q)) return;
        const myorder = this.a[j];
        const o = this.o;
        const qCol = o.qCol;
        const bpCol = o.bpCol;
        const tCol = o.tCol;
        const idCol = o.idCol;
        const trigSliceBegin = o.trigSliceBegin;
        const trigSliceEnd = o.trigSliceEnd;
        const inbox = this.inbox;
        if (myorder && (myorder[qCol]>=q)){
            if ((myorder[trigSliceBegin]>0) ||
                (myorder[trigSliceBegin+1]>0) ||
                (myorder[trigSliceBegin+2]>0) ||
                (myorder[trigSliceBegin+3]>0) ||
                (myorder[trigSliceBegin+4]>0) ||
                let trigorder = [];
                for(let ii=0,ll=trigSliceEnd-2;ii<ll;++ii)
                    trigorder[ii] = 0;
                trigorder[tCol-2] = t;
                trigorder[idCol-2] = myorder[idCol];
                trigorder[qCol-2] = q;
                for(let ii=0,ll=trigSliceEnd-trigSliceBegin;ii<ll;++ii)
                    trigorder[bpCol+ii-2] = myorder[ii+trigSliceBegin]; 

     * Push to .inbox any orders triggered by OSO orders involved in trades in parameter tradespec.
     * Called automatically by trade listener set up in constructor
     * @param {Object} tradespec Trade specification
     * @private

        const t = tradespec.t;
        const buyA = tradespec.buyA, sellA=tradespec.sellA;
        const buyQ = tradespec.buyQ, sellQ=tradespec.sellQ;
        if (buyA)
            for(let i=0,l=buyA.length;i<l;++i){
        if (sellA)
            for(let i=0,l=sellA.length;i<l;++i){

     * clears or resets market to initial "new" condition, clearing active list, books, and trash

        super.clear(); // clears .a and .trash
         * container for books and book settings
         * @type {Object} this.book
        this.book = {};

         * upper limit for book size
         * @type {number} this.book.limit 

        this.book.limit = this.o.booklimit || 100;

         * indicator that book is fixed-size (true) or accordian (false)
         * @type {boolean} this.book.fixed
        this.book.fixed = this.o.bookfixed;

         * buy order book provided by PartialIndex 
         * @type {Object} this.book.buy

        this.book.buy  = new PartialIndex(this.a,this.book.limit,this.o.bpCol,-1,this.o.countCol,1,this.o.qCol,1);

         * sell order book provided by PartialIndex 
         * @type {Object} this.book.sell

        this.book.sell = new PartialIndex(this.a,this.book.limit,this.o.spCol,1,this.o.countCol,1,this.o.qCol,1);

         * buyStop order book provided by PartialIndex 
         * @type {Object} this.book.buyStop

        this.book.buyStop =  new PartialIndex(this.a,this.book.limit,this.o.bsCol,1,this.o.countCol,1,this.o.qCol,1);
         * sellStop order book provided by PartialIndex 
         * @type {Object} this.book.sellStop

        this.book.sellStop = new PartialIndex(this.a,this.book.limit,this.o.ssCol,-1,this.o.countCol,1,this.o.qCol,1);

         * list of all books
         * @type {Array<Object>} this.books

        this.books = [this.book.buy,this.book.sell,this.book.buyStop,this.book.sellStop];

         * inbox for pre-orders from internal processes such as stops and triggers. new orders should also be pushed here.
         * @type {Array<number[]>} this.inbox

        this.inbox = [];

     * emties trashed orders from book lists and scans active list to refill books.  
     * Called by other methods as needed.  You probably won't need to call this function, unless implementing new functionality that affects the books or trashes orders.
     * @private

        const blimit = this.book.limit;
        const bfixed = this.book.fixed;
        const r = this.emptyTrash();
        this.books.forEach(function (b){
            if ((!bfixed) && (r.length < 10)){
                b.remove(r, {shrink:1});
                if (b.limit < (blimit/2))
            } else {