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import clone from 'clone';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import * as ProbJS from 'prob.js';

let privateNextId = 1;
function nextId(){ return privateNextId++; }

function sum(a){
    let i,l,total=0;
        total += a[i];
    return total;

function dot(a,b){
    let i,l,total=0;

    /* istanbul ignore next */

    if (a.length!==b.length)
        throw new Error("market-agents: vector dimensions do not match in dot(a,b)");
        if (b[i])
            total += a[i]*b[i];
    return total;

function poissonWake(){
    const delta = ProbJS.exponential(this.rate)();
    const result =  this.wakeTime+delta;
    if (result>0)
        return result;

 * Agent with Poisson-distributed opportunities to act, with period managment,  optional inventory, unit values and costs, and end-of-period production and consumption to satisfy trades

export class Agent extends EventEmitter {

     * creates an Agent with clone of specified options and initializes with .init().
     *   Option properties are stored directly on the created agent's this.  
     * @param {Object} options Agent creation options
     * @param {string} [options.description] text description of agent, optional
     * @param {Object} [options.inventory={}] initial inventory, as object with good names as keys and levels as values
     * @param {string} [options.money='money'] Good used as money by this agent
     * @param {Object} [options.values={}] marginal value table of agent for goods that are redeemed at end-of-period, as object with goods as keys and numeric arrays as values
     * @param {Object} [options.costs={}] marginal cost table of agent for goods that are produced at end-of-period, as object with goods as keys and numeric arrays as values
     * @param {number} [options.wakeTime=0] initial wake-up time for agent, adjusted by this.init() to first poisson-based wake with .nextWake()
     * @param {number} [options.rate=1] Poisson-arrival rate of agent wake events
     * @param {function():number} [options.nextWake=poissonWake] calculates next Agent wake-up time
        const defaults = {
            id: nextId(),
            description: 'blank agent',
            inventory: {},
            money: 'money',
            values: {},
            costs: {},
            wakeTime: 0,
            rate: 1,
            period: {
                equalDuration: true
            nextWake: poissonWake
        Object.assign(this, defaults, clone(options, false));
     * initialize an agent to new settings
     * @param {Object} [newSettings] see constructor

        if (typeof(newSettings)==='object'){
            // work with a shallow copy of the newSettings so
            // the code can delete the inventory setting without side effects
            let mySettings = Object.assign({}, newSettings);
            // copy new values to inventory.  do not reset other inventory values
            Object.assign(this.inventory, mySettings.inventory);
            // reset non-inventory as specified, completely overwriting previous 
            // to execute this reset, first: delete the inventory settings, then apply the remainder
            delete mySettings.inventory; 
            Object.assign(this, mySettings);
        // if this.money is defined but is not in inventory, zero the inventory of this.money
        if (this.money && !(this.inventory[this.money]))
            this.inventory[this.money] = 0;

         * time, in JS ms since epoch, of agent wake
         * @type {number} this.wakeTime
        this.wakeTime = this.nextWake();
     * re-initialize agent to the beginning of a new simulation period
     * @param {number|Object} period A period initialization object, or a number indicating a new period using the previous period's initialization object
     * @param {number} period.number A number, usually sequential, identifying the next period, e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,...
     * @param {boolean} [period.equalDuration=false] with positive period.duration, autogenerates startTime and endTime as n or n+1 times period.duration
     * @param {number} [period.duration] the length of the period, used with period.equalDuration
     * @param {number} [period.startTime] period begins, manual setting for initial time value for agent wakeTime
     * @param {number} [period.endTime] period ends, no agent wake events will be emitted for this period after this time
     * @param {Object} [period.init] initializer for other agent properties, passed to .init()
     * @emits {pre-period} when initialization to new period is complete
     * @example
     * myAgent.initPeriod({number:1, duration:1000, equalDuration: true});
     * myAgent.initPeriod(2);

        // period might look like this
        // period = {number:5, startTime:50000, init: {inventory:{X:0, Y:0}, values:{X:[300,200,100,0,0,0,0]}}}
        // or period could be simply a number
        if (typeof(period)==='object')
            this.period = clone(period, false);
        else if (typeof(period)==='number')
            this.period.number = period;
        if (this.period.equalDuration && this.period.duration){
            this.period.startTime = this.period.number*this.period.duration;
            this.period.endTime = (1+this.period.number)*this.period.duration;
        if (typeof(this.period.startTime)==='number')
            this.wakeTime = this.period.startTime;

     * ends current period, causing agent to undertake end-of-period tasks such as production and redemption of units
     * @emits {post-period} when period ends, always, but after first completing any production/redemption
        if (typeof(this.produce)==='function') this.produce();
        if (typeof(this.redeem)==='function') this.redeem();

     * percent of period used 
     * @return {number} proportion of period time used as a number from 0.0, at beginning of period, to 1.0 at end of period.

        if ((this.period.startTime!==undefined) && (this.period.endTime>0) && (this.wakeTime!==undefined)){
            return (this.wakeTime-this.period.startTime)/(this.period.endTime-this.period.startTime);

     * guess at number of random Poisson wakes remaining in period
     * @return {number} "expected" number of remaining random Poisson wakes, calculated as (this.period.endTime-this.wakeTime)*rate

        if ((this.rate>0) && (this.wakeTime!==undefined) && (this.period.endTime>0)){
            return (this.period.endTime - this.wakeTime)*this.rate;

     * wakes agent so it can act, emitting wake, and sets next wakeTime from this.nextWake() unless period.endTime exceeded 
     * @param {Object} [info] optional info passed to this.emit('wake', info)
     * @emits {wake(info)} immediately
        this.emit('wake', info);
        const nextTime = this.nextWake();
        if (this.period.endTime){
            if (nextTime<this.period.endTime) 
                this.wakeTime = nextTime;
                this.wakeTime = undefined;
        } else {
            this.wakeTime = nextTime;

     * increases or decreases agent's inventories of one or more goods and/or money
     * @param {Object} myTransfers object with goods as keys and changes in inventory as number values
     * @param {Object} [memo] optional memo passed to event listeners
     * @emits {pre-transfer(myTransfers, memo)} before transfer takes place, modifications to myTransfers will change transfer
     * @emits {post-transfer(myTransfers, memo)} after transfer takes place
    transfer(myTransfers, memo){
        if (myTransfers){
            this.emit('pre-transfer', myTransfers, memo);
            const goods = Object.keys(myTransfers);
            for(let i=0,l=goods.length;i<l;++i){
                if (this.inventory[goods[i]])
                    this.inventory[goods[i]] += myTransfers[goods[i]];
                    this.inventory[goods[i]] = myTransfers[goods[i]];
            this.emit('post-transfer', myTransfers, memo);

     * agent's marginal cost of producing next unit
     * @param {String} good (e.g. "X", "Y")
     * @param {Object} hypotheticalInventory object with goods as keys and values as numeric levels of inventory 
     * @return {number} marginal unit cost of next unit, at given (negative) hypothetical inventory, using agent's configured costs
    unitCostFunction(good, hypotheticalInventory){
        const costs = this.costs[good];
        if ((Array.isArray(costs)) && (hypotheticalInventory[good] <= 0)){
            return costs[-hypotheticalInventory[good]];

     * agent's marginal value for redeeming next unit
     * @param {String} good (e.g. "X", "Y")
     * @param {Object} hypotheticalInventory object with goods as keys and values as numeric levels of inventory 
     * @return {number} marginal unit value of next unit, at given (positive) hypothetical inventory, using agent's configured values

    unitValueFunction(good, hypotheticalInventory){
        const vals = this.values[good];
        if ((Array.isArray(vals)) && (hypotheticalInventory[good] >= 0)){
            return vals[hypotheticalInventory[good]];

     * redeems units in positive inventory with configured values, usually called automatically at end-of-period.
     * transfer uses memo object {isRedeem:1} 
     * @emits {pre-redeem(transferAmounts)} before calling .transfer, can modify transferAmounts
     * @emits {post-redeem(transferAmounts)} after calling .transfer
        if (this.values){
            const trans = {};
            const goods = Object.keys(this.values);
            trans[this.money] = 0;
            for(let i=0,l=goods.length;i<l;++i){
                let g = goods[i];
                if (this.inventory[g]>0){
                    trans[g] = -this.inventory[g];
                    trans[this.money] += sum(this.values[g].slice(0,this.inventory[g]));
            this.emit('pre-redeem', trans);
            this.transfer(trans, {isRedeem:1});

     * produces units in negative inventory with configured costs, usually called automatically at end-of-period.
     * transfer uses memo object {isProduce:1}
     * @emits {pre-redeem(transferAmounts)} before calling .transfer, can modify transferAmounts
     * @emits {post-redeem(transferAmounts)} after calling .transfer

        if (this.costs){ 
            const trans = {};
            const goods = Object.keys(this.costs);
            trans[this.money] = 0;
            for(let i=0,l=goods.length;i<l;++i){
                let g = goods[i];
                if (this.inventory[g]<0){
                    trans[this.money] -= sum(this.costs[g].slice(0,-this.inventory[g]));
                    trans[g] = -this.inventory[g];
            this.emit('pre-produce', trans);
            this.transfer(trans, {isProduce:1});
            this.emit('post-produce', trans);

 * agent that places trades in one or more markets based on marginal costs or values
 * This is an abstract class, meant to be subclassed for particular strategies.

export class Trader extends Agent {

     * @param {Object} [options] passed to Agent constructor(); Trader specific properties detailed below
     * @param {Array<Object>} [options.markets=[]] list of market objects where this agent acts on wake 
     * @param {number} [options.minPrice=0] minimum price when submitting limit orders to buy 
     * @param {number} [options.maxPrice=1000] maximum price when submitting sell limit orders to sell
     * @param {boolean} [options.ignoreBudgetConstraint=false] ignore budget constraint, substituting maxPrice for unit value when bidding, and minPrice for unit cost when selling
     * @listens {wake} to trigger sendBidsAndAsks()  

        const defaults = {
            description: 'Trader',
            markets: [],
            minPrice: 0,
            maxPrice: 1000
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));
        this.on('wake', this.sendBidsAndAsks);
    /** send a limit order to buy one unit to the indicated market at myPrice. Placeholder throws error. Must be overridden and implemented in other code.
     * @abstract
     * @param {Object} market 
     * @param {number} myPrice
     * @throws {Error} when calling placeholder
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    bid(market, myPrice){
        throw new Error("called placeholder for abstract method .bid(market,myPrice) -- you must implement this method");

     * send a limit order to sell one unit to the indicated market at myPrice. Placeholder throws error. Must be overridden and implemented in other code. 
     * @abstract 
     * @param {Object} market 
     * @param {number} myPrice
     * @throws {Error} when calling placeholder 
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    ask(market, myPrice){
        throw new Error("called placeholder for abstract method .ask(market,myPrice) -- you must implement this method");

     * calculate price this agent is willing to pay.  Placeholder throws error.  Must be overridden and implemented in other code.
     * @abstract
     * @param {number} marginalValue The marginal value of redeeming the next unit.
     * @param {Object} market For requesting current market conditions, previous trade price, etc.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined if not willing to buy
     * @throws {Error} when calling placeholder

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    bidPrice(marginalValue, market){
        throw new Error("called placeholder for abstract method .bidPrice(marginalValue, market) -- you must implement this method");

     * calculate price this agent is willing to accept. Placeholder throws error. Must be overridden and implemented in other code. 
     * @abstract
     * @param {number} marginalCost The marginal cost of producing the next unit.
     * @param {Object} market For requesting current market conditions, previous trade price, etc.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's sell price or undefined if not willing to sell
     * @throws {Error} when calling placeholder

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    askPrice(marginalCost, market){
        throw new Error("called placeholder for abstract method .bidPrice(marginalValue, market) -- you must implement this method");

     * For each market in agent's configured markets, calculates agent's price strategy for buy or sell prices and then sends limit orders for 1 unit at those prices.
     * Normally you do not need to explicltly call this function: the wake listener set in the constructor of Trader and subclasses calls sendBidsAndAsks() automatcally on each wake event.
        for(let i=0,l=this.markets.length;i<l;++i){
            let market = this.markets[i];
            let unitValue = this.unitValueFunction(market.goods, this.inventory);
            if (unitValue>0){
                if (this.ignoreBudgetConstraint)
                    unitValue = this.maxPrice;
                let myPrice = this.bidPrice(unitValue, market); // calculate my buy price proposal
                if (myPrice)
                    this.bid(market, myPrice); // send my price proposal
            let unitCost = this.unitCostFunction(market.goods, this.inventory);
            if (unitCost>0){
                if (this.ignoreBudgetConstraint)
                    unitCost = this.minPrice;
                let myPrice = this.askPrice(unitCost, market); // calculate my sell price proposal
                if (myPrice)
                    this.ask(market, myPrice); // send my price proposal


 * a reimplementation of Gode and Sunder's "Zero Intelligence" robots, as described in the economics research literature.
 * see 
 *    Gode,  Dhananjay  K.,  and  S.  Sunder.  [1993].  ‘Allocative  efficiency  of  markets  with  zero-intelligence  traders:  Market  as  a  partial  substitute  for  individual  rationality.’    Journal  of  Political  Economy, vol. 101, pp.119-137. 
 *    Gode, Dhananjay K., and S. Sunder. [1993b]. ‘Lower bounds for efficiency of surplus extraction in double auctions.’  In  Friedman,  D.  and  J.  Rust  (eds).  The  Double  Auction  Market:  Institutions,  Theories,  and Evidence,  pp. 199-219.
 *    Gode,  Dhananjay  K.,  and  S.  Sunder.  [1997a].  ‘What  makes  markets  allocationally  efficient?’  Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 112 (May), pp.603-630. 

export class ZIAgent extends Trader {

     * creates "Zero Intelligence" robot agent similar to those described in Gode and Sunder (1993)
     * @param {Object} [options] passed to Trader and Agent constructors()
     * @param {boolean} [options.integer] true instructs pricing routines to use positive integer prices, false allows positive real number prices

        super(Object.assign({}, {description: 'Gode and Sunder Style ZI Agent'} , options));
     * calculate price this agent is willing to pay as a uniform random number ~ U[minPrice, marginalValue] inclusive.
     * If this.integer is true, the returned price will be an integer.
     * @param {number} marginalValue the marginal value of redeeming the next unit. sets the maximum price for random price generation 
     * @return {number|undefined} randomized buy price or undefined if marginalValue non-numeric or less than this.minPrice

        if (typeof(marginalValue)!=='number') return undefined;
        let p;
        if (marginalValue===this.minPrice) return marginalValue;
        if (marginalValue<this.minPrice) return undefined;
        if (this.integer){

            /* because Floor rounds down, add 1 to value to be in the range of possible prices */
            /* guard against rare edge case with do/while */

            do {
                p = Math.floor(ProbJS.uniform(this.minPrice,marginalValue+1)());
            } while (p>marginalValue);

        } else {
            p = ProbJS.uniform(this.minPrice, marginalValue)();
        return p;

     * calculate price this agent is willing to accept as a uniform random number ~ U[marginalCost, maxPrice] inclusive.
     * If this.integer is true, the returned price will be an integer.
     * @param {number} marginalCost the marginal coat of producing the next unit. sets the minimum price for random price generation
     * @return {number|undefined} randomized sell price or undefined if marginalCost non-numeric or greater than this.maxPrice

        if (typeof(marginalCost)!=='number') return undefined;
        let p;
        if (marginalCost===this.maxPrice) return marginalCost;
        if (marginalCost>this.maxPrice) return undefined;
        if (this.integer){

            /* because Floor rounds down, add 1 to value to be in the range of possible prices */
            /* guard against rare edge case with do/while */

            do {
                p = Math.floor(ProbJS.uniform(marginalCost,this.maxPrice+1)());
            } while (p>this.maxPrice);

        } else {
            p = ProbJS.uniform(marginalCost, this.maxPrice)();
        return p;

const um1p2 = ProbJS.uniform(-1,2);
const um1p1 = ProbJS.uniform(-1,1);

 * Unit agent: uses ZIAgent algorithm if there is no previous market price, afterward, bids/asks randomly within 1 price unit of previous price
 * see also Brewer, Paul Chapter 4 in Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, Charles R. Plott and Vernon L. Smith, eds.,  Elsevier: 2008
 * Chapter available on Google Books at https://books.google.com search for "Handbook of Experimental Economics Results" and go to pp. 31-45.
 * or on Science Direct (paywall) at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1574072207000042

export class UnitAgent extends ZIAgent {
     * creates "Unit" robot agent similar to those described in Brewer(2008)
     * @param {Object} [options] passed to Trader and Agent constructors()

        const defaults = {
            description: "Paul Brewer's UNIT agent that bids/asks within 1 price unit of previous price"
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));

     * calculates random change from previous transaction price
     * @return {number} a uniform random number on [-1,1]; or, if this.integer is set, picked randomly from the set {-1,0,1}

        let delta;
        if (this.integer){
            do {
                delta = Math.floor(um1p2());
            } while ((delta <= -2) || (delta >= 2.0));
        } else {
            do {
                delta = um1p1();
            } while ( (delta < -1) || (delta > 1) );
        return delta;
     * Calculate price this agent is willing to pay.
     * The returned price is within one price unit of the previous market trade price, or uses the ZIAgent random algorithm if there is no previous market trade price.
     * Undefined (no bid) is returned if the propsed price would exceed the marginalValue parameter
     * If this.integer is true, the returned price will be an integer.
     * @param {number} marginalValue the marginal value of redeeming the next unit. sets the maximum price for allowable random price generation 
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with lastTradePrice() method. 
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined
    bidPrice(marginalValue, market){
        let p;
        if (typeof(marginalValue)!=='number') return undefined;
        const previous = market.lastTradePrice();
        if (previous)
            p = previous+this.randomDelta();
            p = super.bidPrice(marginalValue);
        if ((p>marginalValue) || (p>this.maxPrice) || (p<this.minPrice)) return undefined;
        return (p && this.integer)? Math.floor(p): p;

     * Calculate price this agent is willing to accept.
     * The returned price is within one price unit of the previous market trade price, or uses the ZIAgent random algorithm if there is no previous market trade price.
     * Undefined (no ask) is returned if the propsed price would be lower than the marginalCost parameter
     * If this.integer is true, the returned price will be an integer.
     * @param {number} marginalCost the marginal cost of producing the next unit. sets the minimum price for allowable random price generation
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with lastTradePrice() method. 
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined
    askPrice(marginalCost, market){
        if (typeof(marginalCost)!=='number') return undefined;
        let p;
        const previous = market.lastTradePrice();
        if (previous)
            p = previous+this.randomDelta();
            p = super.askPrice(marginalCost);
        if ((p<marginalCost) || (p>this.maxPrice) || (p<this.minPrice)) return undefined;
        return (p && this.integer)? Math.floor(p): p;

 * OneupmanshipAgent is a robotic version of that annoying market participant who starts at extremely high or low price, and always bid $1 more, or ask $1 less than any competition

export class OneupmanshipAgent extends Trader {
     * create OneupmanshipAgent 
     * @param {Object} [options] Passed to Trader and Agent constructors

        const defaults = {
            description: "Brewer's OneupmanshipAgent that increases the market bid or decreases the market ask by one price unit, if profitable to do so according to MV or MC"
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));
     * Calculate price this agent is willing to pay.
     * The returned price is either this.minPrice (no bidding), or market.currentBidPrice()+1, or undefined.
     * Undefined (no bid) is returned if the propsed price would exceed the marginalValue parameter
     * this.integer is ignored
     * @param {number} marginalValue the marginal value of redeeming the next unit. sets the maximum price for allowable bidding 
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined

    bidPrice(marginalValue, market){ 
        if (typeof(marginalValue)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentBid = market.currentBidPrice();
        if (!currentBid)
            return this.minPrice;
        if (currentBid<(marginalValue-1))
            return currentBid+1;

     * Calculate price this agent is willing to accept.
     * The returned price is either this.maxPrice (no asks), or market.currentAskPrice()-1, or undefined.
     * Undefined (no bid) is returned if the propsed price is less than the marginalCost parameter
     * this.integer is ignored
     * @param {number} marginalCost the marginal cost of producing the next unit. sets the minimum price for allowable bidding 
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined

    askPrice(marginalCost, market){ 
        if (typeof(marginalCost)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentAsk = market.currentAskPrice();
        if (!currentAsk)
            return this.maxPrice;
        if (currentAsk>(marginalCost+1))
            return currentAsk-1;

 * MidpointAgent - An agent that bids/asks halfway between the current bid and current ask.  
 *   When there is no current bid or current ask, the agent bids minPrice or asks maxPrice.

export class MidpointAgent extends Trader {
        const defaults = {
            description: "Brewer's MidpointAgent bids/asks halfway between the bid and ask, if profitable to do according to MC or MV"
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));
     * Calculate price this agent is willing to pay.
     * The returned price is either the min price, the midpoint of the bid/ask, or undefined.  
     * Undefined (no bid) is returned if the propsed price would exceed the marginalValue parameter
     * this.integer==true  causes midpoint prices to be rounded up to the next integer before comparison with marginalValue 
     * @param {number} marginalValue the marginal value of redeeming the next unit. sets the maximum price for allowable bidding 
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined

    bidPrice(marginalValue, market){ 
        if (typeof(marginalValue)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentBid = market.currentBidPrice();
        if (!currentBid)
            return (this.minPrice <= marginalValue)? this.minPrice: undefined;      
        const currentAsk = market.currentAskPrice();
        if (currentAsk){
            const midpoint = (currentBid+currentAsk)/2;
            const myBid = (this.integer)? Math.ceil(midpoint): midpoint;
            if (myBid <= marginalValue)
                return myBid;

     * Calculate price this agent is willing to accept.
     * The returned price is either the max price, the midpoint of the bid/ask, or undefined.  
     * Undefined (no ask) is returned if the propsed price is less than the marginalCost parameter
     * this.integer==true  causes midpoint prices to be rounded up to the next integer before comparison with marginalValue 
     * @param {number} marginalCost the marginal cost of producing the next unit. sets the minimum price for allowable bidding 
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy price or undefined

    askPrice(marginalCost, market){ 
        if (typeof(marginalCost)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentAsk = market.currentAskPrice();
        if (!currentAsk)
            return (this.maxPrice>=marginalCost)? this.maxPrice: undefined;
        const currentBid = market.currentBidPrice();
        if (currentBid){
            const midpoint = (currentBid+currentAsk)/2;
            const myAsk = (this.integer)? Math.floor(midpoint): midpoint;
            if (myAsk >= marginalCost)
                return myAsk;

 * a reimplementation of a Kaplan Sniper Agent (JavaScript implementation by Paul Brewer)
 * see e.g. "High Performance Bidding Agents for the Continuous Double Auction" 
 *                Gerald Tesauro and Rajarshi Das, Institute for Advanced Commerce, IBM 
 *  http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-kephart/dblauc.pdf
 *      for discussion of Kaplan's Sniper traders on pp. 4-5

export class KaplanSniperAgent extends Trader {

     * Create KaplanSniperAgent
     * @param {Object} [options] options passed to Trader and Agent constructors
     * @param {number} [options.desiredSpread=10] desiredSpread for sniping; agent will accept trade if ||market.currentAskPrice()-market.currentBidPrice()||<=desiredSpread

        const defaults = {
            description: "Kaplan's snipers, trade on 'juicy' price, or low spread, or end of period",
            desiredSpread: 10
        super(Object.assign({}, defaults, options));

     * Calculates price this agent is willing to pay.
     * The returned price always equals either undefined or the price of market.currentAsk(), triggering an immediate trade.
     * The KaplanSniperAgent will buy, if market.currentAskPrice<=marginalValue,  during one of three conditions:
     * (A) market ask price is less than or equal to .getJuicyAskPrice(), which needs to be set at the simulation level to the previous period low trade price
     * (B) when spread = (market ask price - market bid price) is less than or equal to agent's desiredSpread (default: 10)
     * (C) when period is ending
     * @param {number} marginalValue The marginal value of redeeming the next unit.  Sets the maximum price for trading.
     * @param {Object} market The market for which a bid is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's buy prce or undefined
    bidPrice(marginalValue, market){
        if (typeof(marginalValue)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentBid = market.currentBidPrice();
        const currentAsk = market.currentAskPrice();
        // a trade can only occur if currentAsk <= marginalValue
        if (currentAsk <= marginalValue){
            // snipe if ask price is less than or equal to juicy ask price
            const juicyPrice = this.getJuicyAskPrice();
            if ((juicyPrice>0) && (currentAsk<=juicyPrice))
                return currentAsk;

            // snipe if low bid ask spread 
            if ((currentAsk>0) && (currentBid>0) && ((currentAsk-currentBid)<=this.desiredSpread))
                return currentAsk;

            // snipe if period end is three wakes away or less
            if (this.poissonWakesRemainingInPeriod()<=3)
                return currentAsk;
        // otherwise return undefined

     * Calculates price this agent is willing to accept.
     * The returned price always equals either undefined or the price of market.currentBid(), triggering an immediate trade.
     * The KaplanSniperAgent will sell, if marginalCost<=market.currentBidPrice,  during one of three conditions:
     * (A) market bid price is greater than or equal to .getJuicyBidPrice(), which needs to be set at the simulation level to the previous period high trade price
     * (B) when spread = (market ask price - market bid price) is less than or equal to agent's desiredSpread (default: 10)
     * (C) when period is ending
     * @param {number} marginalCost The marginal cost of producing the next unit.  Sets the minimum price for trading.
     * @param {Object} market The market for which an ask is being prepared.  An object with currentBidPrice() and currentAskPrice() methods.
     * @return {number|undefined} agent's sell price or undefined

    askPrice(marginalCost, market){
        if (typeof(marginalCost)!=='number') return undefined;
        const currentBid = market.currentBidPrice();
        const currentAsk = market.currentAskPrice();
        // only trade if currentBid >= marginalCost
        if (currentBid >= marginalCost){
            // snipe if bid price is greater than or equal to juicy bid price
            const juicyPrice = this.getJuicyBidPrice();
            if ((juicyPrice>0) && (currentBid>=juicyPrice))
                return currentBid;

            // snipe if low bid ask spread
            if ((currentAsk>0) && (currentBid>0) && ((currentAsk-currentBid)<=this.desiredSpread))
                return currentBid;

            // snipe if period end is three wakes away or less
            if (this.poissonWakesRemainingInPeriod()<=3)
                return currentBid;
        // otherwise return undefined

 * Pool for managing a collection of agents.  
 * Agents may belong to multiple pools.

export class Pool { 
        this.agents = [];
        this.agentsById = {};

     * Add an agent to the Pool
     * @param {Object} agent to add to pool.  Should be instanceof Agent, including subclasses.
        if (!(agent instanceof Agent))
            throw new Error("Pool.push(agent), agent is not an instance of Agent or descendents");
        if (!this.agentsById[agent.id]){
            this.agentsById[agent.id] = agent;

     * finds agent from Pool with lowest wakeTime
     * @return {Object} 

        if (this.nextCache) return this.nextCache;
        let tMin=1e20, i=0, l=this.agents.length, A=this.agents, t=0, result=0;
            t = A[i].wakeTime;
            if ( (t>0) && (t<tMin) ){
                result = A[i];
                tMin = t;
        this.nextCache = result;
        return result;

     * wakes agent in Pool with lowest wakeTime

        const A = this.next();
        if (A){
            // wipe nextCache
            delete this.nextCache;

     * finds latest period.endTime of all agent in Pool
     * @return {number} max of agents period.endTime  

        let endTime = 0;
        for(let i=0,l=this.agents.length;i<l;++i){
            let a = this.agents[i];
            if (a.period.endTime > endTime)
                endTime = a.period.endTime;
        if (endTime>0) return endTime;

     * Repeatedly wake agents in Pool, until simulation time "untilTime" is reached. For a synchronous equivalent, see syncRun(untilTime, limitCalls)
     * @param {number} untilTime Stop time for this run
     * @param {number} batch Batch size of number of agents to wake up synchronously before surrendering to event loop
     * @return {Promise<Object,Error>} returns promise resolving to pool, with caught errors passed to reject handler.

    runAsPromise(untilTime, batch){
        const pool = this;
        return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
            function loop(){
                let nextAgent = 0;
                try {
                    pool.syncRun(untilTime, (batch||1));
                    nextAgent = pool.next();
                } catch(e){
                    return reject(e);
                return (nextAgent && (nextAgent.wakeTime<untilTime))? setImmediate(loop): resolve(pool);

     * Repeatedly wake agents in Pool, until simulation time "untilTime" or "limitCalls" agent wake calls are reached.
     * This method runs synchronously.  It returns only when finished.
     * @param {number} untilTime Stop time for this run
     * @param {number} [limitCalls] Stop run once this number of agent wake up calls have been executed.

    syncRun(untilTime, limitCalls){
        let nextAgent = this.next();
        let calls = 0;
        while (nextAgent && (nextAgent.wakeTime < untilTime) && (!(calls>=limitCalls)) ){
            nextAgent = this.next();

     * calls .initPeriod for all agents in the Pool
     * @param {Object|number} param passed to each agent's .initPeriod()

        // passing param to all the agents is safe because Agent.initPeriod does a deep clone
        if (Array.isArray(param) && (param.length>0)){
            for(let i=0,l=this.agents.length;i<l;i++)
        } else {
            for(let i=0,l=this.agents.length;i<l;i++)

     * calls .endPeriod for all agents in the Pool

        for(let i=0,l=this.agents.length;i<l;i++)

     * adjusts Pool agents inventories, via agent.transfer(), in response to one or more trades
     * @param {Object} tradeSpec Object providing specifics of trades.
     * @param {string} tradeSpec.bs 'b' for buy trade, 's' for sell trade. In a buy trade, buyQ, buyId are single element arrays.  In a sell trade, sellQ, sellId are single element arrays,
     * @param {string} tradeSpec.goods the name of the goods, as stored in agent inventory object
     * @param {string} tradeSpec.money the name of money used for payment, as stored in agent inventory object
     * @param {number[]} tradeSpec.prices the price of each trade
     * @param {number[]} tradeSpec.buyId the agent id of a buyer in a trade
     * @param {number[]} tradeSpec.buyQ the number bought by the corresponding agent in .buyId
     * @param {number[]} tradeSpec.sellId the agent id of a seller in a trade
     * @param {number[]} tradeSPec.sellQ the number bought by he corresponding agent in .sellId
     * @throws {Error} when accounting identities do not balance or trade invalid 
        let i,l,buyerTransfer,sellerTransfer;
        if (typeof(tradeSpec)!=='object') return;
        if ( (tradeSpec.bs) &&
             (tradeSpec.goods) &&
             (tradeSpec.money) &&
             (Array.isArray(tradeSpec.prices)) && 
             (Array.isArray(tradeSpec.buyQ)) &&
             (Array.isArray(tradeSpec.sellQ)) &&
             (Array.isArray(tradeSpec.buyId)) &&
             (Array.isArray(tradeSpec.sellId)) ){   
            if (tradeSpec.bs==='b'){
                if (tradeSpec.buyId.length!==1)
                    throw new Error("Pool.trade expected tradeSpec.buyId.length===1, got:"+tradeSpec.buyId.length);
                if (tradeSpec.buyQ[0] !== sum(tradeSpec.sellQ))
                    throw new Error("Pool.trade invalid buy -- tradeSpec buyQ[0] != sum(sellQ)");
                buyerTransfer = {};
                buyerTransfer[tradeSpec.goods] = tradeSpec.buyQ[0];
                buyerTransfer[tradeSpec.money] = -dot(tradeSpec.sellQ,tradeSpec.prices);
                this.agentsById[tradeSpec.buyId[0]].transfer(buyerTransfer, {isTrade:1, isBuy:1});
                    sellerTransfer = {};
                    sellerTransfer[tradeSpec.goods] = -tradeSpec.sellQ[i];
                    sellerTransfer[tradeSpec.money] = tradeSpec.prices[i]*tradeSpec.sellQ[i];
                    this.agentsById[tradeSpec.sellId[i]].transfer(sellerTransfer, {isTrade:1, isSellAccepted:1});
            } else if (tradeSpec.bs==='s'){
                if (tradeSpec.sellId.length!==1)
                    throw new Error("Pool.trade expected tradeSpec.sellId.length===1. got:"+tradeSpec.sellId.length);
                if (tradeSpec.sellQ[0] !== sum(tradeSpec.buyQ))
                    throw new Error("Pool.trade invalid sell -- tradeSpec sellQ[0] != sum(buyQ)");
                sellerTransfer = {};
                sellerTransfer[tradeSpec.goods] = -tradeSpec.sellQ[0];
                sellerTransfer[tradeSpec.money] = dot(tradeSpec.buyQ,tradeSpec.prices);
                this.agentsById[tradeSpec.sellId[0]].transfer(sellerTransfer, {isTrade:1, isSell:1});
                    buyerTransfer = {};
                    buyerTransfer[tradeSpec.goods] = tradeSpec.buyQ[i];
                    buyerTransfer[tradeSpec.money] = -tradeSpec.prices[i]*tradeSpec.buyQ[i];
                    this.agentsById[tradeSpec.buyId[i]].transfer(buyerTransfer, {isTrade:1, isBuyAccepted:1});

     * distribute an aggregate setting of buyer Values or seller Costs to a pool of sellers, by giving each agent a successive value from the array without replacement
     * @param {string} field "values" or "costs"
     * @param {good} good name of good for agents inventories. 
     * @param {number[]|string} aggregateArray list of numeric values or costs reflecting the aggregate pool values or costs
     * @throws {Error} when field is invalid or aggregateArray is wrong type

    distribute(field, good, aggregateArray){
        let i,l;
        let myCopy;
        if (Array.isArray(aggregateArray)){
            myCopy = aggregateArray.slice();
        } else if (typeof(aggregateArray)==='string') {
            myCopy = (aggregateArray
                      .replace(/,/g," ")
                      .map(function(s){ return +s; })
                      .filter(function(v){ return (v>0); })
        } else {

            /* istanbul ignore next */

            throw new Error("Error: Pool.prototype.distribute: expected aggregate to be Array or String, got: "+typeof(aggregateArray));

        if ((field!=='values') && (field!=='costs'))
            throw new Error("Pool.distribute(field,good,aggArray) field should be 'values' or 'costs', got:"+field);
            if (typeof(this.agents[i][field])==='undefined')
                this.agents[i][field] = {};
            this.agents[i][field][good] = [];
        i = 0;
        l = this.agents.length;
            i = (i+1) % l;